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that does it for QC comics in 2022! Next week: BEMBO



Sarah Buisson

I had this first feeling time we learn about cube town but... could it be the place where Yay is originate from?

Matt Pedone

Given their reaction to Claire interviewing there, I think they came from someplace else. It could be that Yay and The Director are from the same lab, though. Or, perhaps competing labs.

Daniel Drazen

If I'm Claire and I still need a job, I want to change the subject and ask to tour the library or wherever I'll be working.

Daniel Rydberg

I imagine The Director just hovering behind them in the background already watching and hearing. I mean, look at that glow. He already knows “Big mood” when Moray 44 gets reabsorbed.

Daniel Drazen

"Extruding a whole new person" is the new definition of "delegating."

William Cole

Stephen Wells above mentioned the extruded Morays "returning to the pool" and I immediately thought of Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Wood with a Thousand Young. So now y'all have to think about that too.

Stephen Wells

The DIrector already got distracted and is thinking about five-dimensional squid. Again.

Daniel Rydberg

That makes absolute sense. It would explain why/how/where Cubetown… is…

Todd Ellner

You would be excused from recognizing it as a turd with a stylized "T" logo

Todd Ellner

That would be "Abhoth Source of Uncleanness" Courtesy of Clark Ashton Smith " ...[H]e described a sort of pool with a margin of mud that was marled with obscene offal; and in the pool a grayish, horrid mass that nearly choked it from rim to rim... Here, it seemed, was the ultimate source of all miscreation and abomination. For the gray mass quobbed and quivered, and swelled perpetually; and from it, in manifold fission, were spawned the anatomies that crept away on every side through the grotto. There were things like bodiless legs or arms that flailed in the slime, or heads that rolled, or floundering bellies with fishes' fins; and all manner of things malformed and monstrous, that grew in size as they departed from the neighborhood of Abhoth. And those that swam not swiftly ashore when they fell into the pool from Abhoth, were devoured by mouths that gaped in the parent bulk."

Ursus Ridens

I do _not_ want to watch that. (And I won't , 'cause I'm not on social media -- only on antisocial media. )

Ursus Ridens

I love all the deep speculations about the origin and makeup of the Director, but all the while I've been thinking something like "Huzzah! Bembo! More barbarian-heroing silliness!"


Thanks for all the great comics. I open even one with anticipation, which is justified at an astonishingly high rate. May your days be merry and bright.

Stephen Wells

Bembo is the way a Conan story would go if you did at at a D&D table :) One of my parties includes a barbarian who adopted a wolf in session 1. It's called Fluffy :)


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Darnel D Cooper

Just sad Moray isn't a perm. She is a data-packet, a waldo,.... sigh.

Solomon Garland

See, Claire is totally fine once you get some answers in her!


Big mood.

Stephen Wells

Moray-44 is temporary but Moray-X-22 is persistent :) X for eXtended lifetime presumably...


Steve was at cubetown when it was being built https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3055