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Just wanted to let y'all know I've got covid. So far I feel shitty but not completely incapacitated (hooray for being triple-juiced), fingers crossed it doesn't get any worse. I'm currently a week ahead on comics and can still work in my present condition, so hopefully there won't be any interruptions. Next week is BEMBO WEEK and I think they're really funny. Thanks, stay safe, and thanks as always for your patronage.



Covid sucks, even when relatively mild. Feel better!

John Vogel

Feel better.


Hope you feel better soon!

Peregi Tamas

Get well soon! I had covid in April, fortunately, it wasn't that bad for me, but it's still a lost week. :(



Clifton Royston

Sorry it caught up with you, Jeph, and may the Plague Angel pass over you lightly and depart completely.


Hope you’re able to get some rest! Take care, and get well soon!

Some Ed

I know someone in your position gets overwhelmed with all of the comments from well-wishers, but here's another on the pile. Don't listen to anyone who says you *have* to get better quickly. You get better on your own schedule and take care of yourself. Don't feel you need to churn out content or responses on my account.

Rosie Marie

Just wandered through cvd land last week, hope Yours is uneventful 💟

Dave Stebbins

I hope you feel better soon and that your symptoms are mild and don't linger. Happy holidays!

Jeremy Matt

Get well soon!