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yass queen



Chris Crowther

Data-Mistress-Not-Like-Mummy-In-Law Augustus The First.


Supreme Executrix of Data

Solomon Garland

It's a shame data-lady sounds more like the equivalent of data-gentleman than data-lord


Scientimperatrix Agustus Claire the first - to go for the latin wordgames

Stephen Wells

Informargrave? Interbaronet? JSTORmtrooper?

Some Ed

Her Royal Majesty, Data-Queen eClaire Camilla Augustus, Lady of the Library, Dewer of the Decimal System, ... I think I need about 2-3 more components to make a proper royal title, but I think I've run out of steam. If only Mistress wasn't completely off the table. :/ Edit: Thanks for suggestions. Her Royal Majesty, Data-Queen eClaire Camilla Augustus, Lady of the Library, Dewer of the Decimal System, Cataloger of Cards, Duchess of the Archives, Lady High Archivist, Countess of Knowledge, Collectoress of Titles, Carrier of the Fanciest Backpack. Just to be clear, the last one there's a reference, along with the one prior to it, and not actually an attestation of how fancy Her Highness eClaire's backpack actually is.

Mad Marie

(deftly picks up a copy of ‘The Totally Rad Bibliographic Adventures of eClaire and Mart&’ no. 1 and seals it mylar)

Mad Marie

Brent Spiner: “I swear! You have the wrong person! I’m just an actor!”

Mad Marie

Mistress might be off the table, but she’s nearby whilst someone else is strapped to it.


Data Domme? Too close for Martin?

Todd Ellner

Augustus? I thought Claire went through a whole bunch of life changes, possibly including legal and medical ones, to drop that whole male-specific title thing.


sorry, could you explain what you mean here? i'm so lost 😅 it's just her family name, right?

Mad Marie

The data-lords have been battling the Daleks for centuries as well, just with tardies instead of tardises.

Stephen Wells

...suddenly I'm seeing the resemblance to Roko in panel 1. Is Reeves occupying a heavily modified Philomena chassis?

Bill Silvia

I hope not on that last one. JSTOR only uploads out-dated files and Cubetown seems pretty cutting edge.


Claire Augustus, i get the confusion as Augustus is a male name though in this case it's her family name :)

Todd Ellner

Ah! I missed that. It sounded so much like title as in Octavius Caesar Augustus


Data-Duchess has a certain alliterative appeal, though...


…Cataloguer of Cards, Archivist, Architect, and Knowledge Protector



Some Ed

@Todd Ellner: On looking up Agrippina the Elder, I see she was the mother of three Julius Caesars and the wife of one of the many famous people named "Julius Caesar" (commonly referred to as Germanicus to reduce confusion, but was not the mother the person most historians mean if they simply say "Caesar". She was born something like 30 years after the death of Gaius Julius Caesar IV (aka Caesar) on the ides of March. It feels unlikely that she'd have been Julius' mother, barring some time travel shenanigans. That having been said, Sextus Julius Caesar I started the Caesar family down a long road featuring many people named Julius Caesar, most of whom were either Gaius Julius Caesar or Sextus Julius Caesar, but a few were Lucius Julius Caesar. Agrippina the Elder's sons were Nero Julius Caesar, Drusus Julius Caesar, and Gaius Julius Caesar. Normally, they're referred to as Nero, Drusus, and Caligula, because there are way too many Julius Caesars in that family tree and it's very easy to get confused as to who is whom. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julio-Claudian_family_tree