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*Hugs Bubbles*


Faye: chaotic good. Bubbles: lawful neutral. Corpse Witch: pure evil.


poor boo :-(

Ian MacLean

I still want to know if AIs have backup. It's hard to explain all the uncaring damage done to pintsize without it. Maybe it exists, but is limited in that restoration to a new chassis isn't quite the same as the original... Nice job on the feels, though...

Nicki Faulk

Hug her for me too! :'(

Marc Kevin Hall

I may be off-base, but this seems like the kind of thing Hanners' dad could potentially help with.


I too want to hug Bubbles

Celine Chamberlin

Jeph, I don't know how you've done it, but Bubbles is simply a fascinating character. She has so much depth and heart. The friendship you've crafted between Faye and Bubbles works on so many levels. I know we make comments about pairing them up romantically (Faybles foreva!), but that aside, these two bring the feels, and it's awesome. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this leads. Thank you.


I think marten has been seen backing up pintsize a long long time ago.


Bubbles arc is one of the best in the history of the comic. Bravo for making her such and endearing character.

Ian MacLean

Chris, I don't remember that. The other question of course is how easy it is to switch chassis. I'm thinking it's like a generic OS install vs custom installs. Pintsize, or even Momo, can do so with relative ease but Bubbles or Jeremy might, for storage reasons (why keep all that driver data for basic humanoid movement when it's not needed?), have a more complicated transition. Basically, we sort of need a reason the army lets Bubbles keep a combat chassis. I'm thinking there's a bonding with your body that happens with a specialized set of hardware drivers, not so easy to switch out for basic humanoid shaped drivers... As AI's have rights, keeping a chassis you agree to occupy might be included in those rights. So being a jet fighter... Also, Bubs is too nice, and this strip is pretty well written. I'm guessing she went to a dark place and we're going to have to help her get through it. She's quite loveable... (*last thought: She's got to have a helmet. That's going to be a design challenge. If we get flashback(s), we get to see it)...


I'm hoping Pintsize was listening from the other room, and says something to Momo. She has contacts and made connections outside of the official robot authorities. It's likely most of the other members of the robot arena are unaware of this situation. Perhaps they or the AI arena fan community (via May) can apply pressure to persuade Corpse Witch to do the right thing...


It occurs to me that CW probably has yet another layer of blackmail leverage over Bubbles as well. Upon her release from the service Bubbles was instructed not to divulge operational details. Whatever classified knowledge she may have been privy to... CW potentially had access to all of that in the course of the "procedure". That alone could land Bubs in a world of trouble should any sensitive information be leaked.

Lord Crusade

You can break encrypted data, it just takes time , knowledge, and patience. plus considering the colorful cast of characters in this comic, one of which has a father who helped "build" the first AI's, perhaps Bubbles can have a new "key" made by someone else, hmm.

Raven Razor

Isn't Dora, like, a beast with tech? She saved Pintsize in the early days of the comic. Is anyone going to think of our favorite skinny goth?


Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I have the same reservations here as I do with unscrupulous hypnotists: At this point, Bubbles only has CW's word for the story prior to waking up. Now, maybe AI memories are very hard to create/synthesize, and CW is only able to lock things away. But if the analogy to hypnosis holds up, then CW could have planted false memories as well. For instance, if CW somehow gained access to Bubbles during a recharge cycle or some other technique that would temporarily disable Bubbles, then CW could plant memories that this whole subservience thing was Bubbles' idea in the first place. There might not _be_ any horrible memories. After all, if you were going to plant memories, it would be a lot easier to plant memories that the recipient "knows are there, but can't remember"... We are nothing but the sum of our memories, which is what makes gaslighting so horrible.


Ten years isn't that long a time for an AI, who is potentially immortal. My concern would be Corpse Witch just reneging.

Matthew Harris

Punch Corpse Witch again Faye


And risk being on the wrong end of the angry rampage of an emotionally unstable and dangerous combat bot whom you've just betrayed? I don't like CW either but I don't see her doing something so foolish.

William F Stevens III

Wow I care so much for this group of friends. It gives me hope each time I read the comic

Travis Wedding

I think it's because she's the embodiment of a little part of us. The part that hurts, has regrets, and is shy about those things. People who have similarly guarded personalities / who are shy can also probably deeply identify with her.


Bubbles reminds me of the ogre girl from Monster Musume. Both combat veterans, both imposingly massive, both completely moe.

Travis Wedding

BUBBLES may not be able to go to the authorities but Corpse Witch didn't specify that "NO ONE" can go to the authorities. If Faye goes to the police now (being she was worried that someone was getting shafted anyway) maybe that loophole will lead to CW being forced to hand over the key?


Interesting perspective. However, if that were possible and CW managed to do it, she would have to change various records of Bubbles' past too - she hasn't been helped by the authorities, but they know that she served and various details will be on file. I'm not convinced that CW could create a completely complete consistent false past, including a fictional episode of PTSD, while as well as making Bubbles believe that certain types of manipulation are impossible (which is a matter I'm sure she will have researched even if she hasn't discussed her experience with other AIs).


I don't think Corpse Witch is one to care about that kind of thinking. What would prevent her from deleting it if she had any reason to suspect Bubbles? Especially after these recent events.