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I had a fun conversation with CBC Day 6 about getting kicked off Twitter for making Elon mad! My segment starts around 12 minutes in. I do some DRAMATIC READINGS OF TWEETS. Also it turns out I say "oh gosh" a lot???


Episode 624: Corporations at COP27, Tweeting as Elon Musk, the labour movement takes a stand, Margaret Sullivan and more | Day 6 | Live Radio | CBC Listen

Corporate influence at COP27; cartoonist Jeph Jacques gets booted from Twitter for impersonating Elon Musk; Margaret Sullivan on how to cover Trump and Trumpism; what Ontario unions' victory over Bill 28 means for Canada's labour movement; graphic novelist Cecil Castelucci hopes Shifting Earth will be a path toward climate action; and more.



I assume you say ‘oh gosh’ exactly like goofy and I refuse to listen and break the illusion.


I’m picturing a late someone famous’ dead perfect Mouse impersonation & Jeph doing an “Air Pirates” adventures …


I don’t know what I was expecting you to sound like, but hot was a surprise


lol I was loving your tweets while they lasted. Thanks for the great followup on what happened once the twitter police caught up with your rampage :D

David Paul

I had to listen to your bit. I heard it summarised as (and I reckon, if you were able to get away with it, you would have said) "Musk is a crybaby and he can go eat a bag of dicks".


what a great interview! your voice is also really fantastic, i'd listen the hell out of a podcast of yours

Steve Six-Toast Scarlett

At the end of the day, Elon is still a billionaire and you are not. All I’m seeing and hearing from you is a whiny child. It’s his money and his company and he’ll do with it what he wills.

Sean Kinlin

Jeph, your Musk drove me crazy! Thank you for last weekend...


you do know that no matter how hard you suck Musk dick he still won't give you your very own million dollars, right?


Holy shit, Steve. Suck that musky dick a little more, maybe Elon will give you a pat on the head for a job well done.

Mad Marie

Billions of dollars of theoretical personal worth can’t change the fact that he looks really dumb in a cowboy hat (and always will).

Some Ed

I think the issue was, it wasn't Musk's company until Musk decided to buy it. It was also a relatively stable company. Now, not so much. To be fair, I wouldn't describe it as a good company. I did have a Twitter account at one point. Technically speaking, I probably still do. But it didn't provide enough value to justify retaining the account when I upgraded computers at some point. I say that because at the point in time I thought about it, I checked the prior computer I had been using, and it didn't have that account on it anywhere, despite having a backup of the computer before that apart from the computer before that's backup of prior computers. So it was apparently at least two entire upgrade cycles before I thought, "Hey, I wonder what's up with my Twitter account?" If I recall correctly, I left because 140 characters really isn't enough to say much of anything I'd want to say. But it's apparently plenty to say a bunch of mean things. I don't know how much of Twitter was toxic back in the day, but I encountered enough to turn me off. Admittedly, that threshold was certainly lower due to the low usability of the site.


No chance of a transcript, I guess? I ~can't~ shouldn't listen to podcasts at work.


No transcript, no speed control, radio host talks slow ... sorry, I'm gonna pass. Hope it was fun.


Being a billionaire doesn't mean he's better than everyone. If he makes mistakes, we can make fun of him, either on or off Twitter. His money and his ownership provide zero obstacles to that.


What a way to go out 😂 You’ve done some excellent work


Finally got a chance.to listen to the podcast! Jeph, you sounded very intelligent and had some great thoughts/arguments against any single entity having that much influence over our ability to cyber-interact.