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Stuart Chapman

Jeff Goldblum is involved in everything.

Paul Rendell

I am now struck by the thought of aggressively friendly baby soldierbots


"I dunno, but it'd be fun trying" says pintsize out of nowhere.


For all her crass nature May really is a good person, sure she might have done some bad things, but it's not like her crimes were violent or anything. She really is a decent person who got fucked over when she got out of jail, I mean how do they expect her to become a model citizen who won't turn back to crime when they do nothing to rehabilitate or help her? Guess it's a good parallel to the real US prison system, "we'll lock you up in a cell without ever trying to help you get back on your feet even if your followed the rules in prison and made an effort to get things back on track. Oh what's that, you want therapy or any groups to help you learn skills that will allow you to not have to turn back to crime the second you get out because you can't make enough to live on? Haha that would cost more money in the short term, even though if we did give you those things we'd have a much lower chance of you coming back here and costing us money in the long term, oh and wait, before you go back into the world woefully unprepared without any support, if you committed a felony, even if it was non violent, we'll put it on your record so you can't even get a good job or have any real chance to get government aid to go back to college, no disability either, if you committed a crime, no matter if you are mentally ill and didn't understand what you were doing is wrong, we'll keep you from ever getting support from the government because even if you aren't competent you should have to suffer for years and year, maybe even the rest of your life, why? Well it's simple, we don't care about you, you can suffer and die in a hole alone with no support or love you filthy criminal scum." yeah, let's just say that my mom was a non violent felon who got out, got her Masters degree with no government support, and still can't find a job because of her record even with 15 years without even a parking ticket, good job America, that's how you keep the crime and poverty rate as high as it is.

jeff fearnow

For- profit prison infrastructure...everybody* wins! *with proper stock options. Or lobbyists. Or both.


"Your scientists spent so much time wondering if they could, they didn't stop to ask if they should ..." -- Goldblum, Jurassic Park


Of course Faye would have to be a robosexual for that to work anyway.

Kyle Major

well as you can see she's trying XD

David Paul

Unfortunately politicians, corporate heads and other big-league criminals think only in terms of "money now" as opposed to "money later". Yeah, if they really wanted to reap the rewards of society, they would put more into building services for the people (education, health (physical and mental), communication, scientific), instead of pouring it all into their golden swimming pools filled with cash.


Hey, if Faye decides she's into this particular robot lady, I'm not going to start quibbling her.