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I've been impersonating Elon Musk all day on twitter and they still haven't suspended my account, because they're cowards




It was epic

Joseph Bonnar

You did. It was GLORIOUS, Jeph, GLORIOUS! In the Klingon sense of the term!

Joseph Bonnar

I tried to get a download of the twitter feed; I suspect others have as well, and probably with better luck. I am NOT a twitter user.


You twitter work right now is Top Notch. A+++ (Comic is also TN, but we knew that.)


I love your work and I get that Elon regularly puts his foot in his mouth. I have to give Elon credit though for doing more to advance our future then anybody else I can think of. He's moved the adoption of electric cars forward by at least a decade. Without SpaceX NASA would still be dependent on Russia to transport or astronauts to and from the ISS. Without Starlink Ukraine would have been completely cutoff in the opening attack by Russia. As for his wealth he just turns around and spends it and his time trying to make things better for everyone. Not sure why people hate on someone who has done so much good?


Fan of the comic for a long time, but man that was a masterclass in parody. Nothing thinner than a rich man's skin,


I'm sad it's over but I'm also glad I got to see it happen


Twitter hero.


I just joined your patreon, it's looong overdue since I've been following QC since strip #1 ... and yes it's a tiny bit related to the tweets also


Space X & Starlink are legitimately great products. Tesla was a company with working prototypes when he threatened to pull 85% of their series A seed money if they didn't make him a retroactive cofounder - the original two engineers that built the company were then forced out over time. That said making EV's "cool" and not just for tree hugging Prius types is a good thing in the end. The company was also only profitable due to other (gas) carmakers buying energy credits for many years lol. His solar tile company was bust, the boring company tech seems promising but the Las Vegas implementation is a sad joke. I've thought for a while that his position on the environment was just strategic positioning. At the point where he was pitching thousands of rocket launches a day connecting to hyperloops so anyone could get anywhere in the world in an hour, it's clear he doesn't really care about the environment. That's now pivoted to trying to get the DoD to be a client for rocket deliveries anywhere on the globe in an hour. His recent swing to the right is basically pettiness from Biden not publicly praising Tesla because it's a non-union shop with terrible working conditions... but it's not like he was ever really "left" on the environment, it's just where a lot of subsidies are and it made a nice narrative. Most of his companies are heavily subsidized. If anything he's a use case for government programs helping push the markets in useful directions. He was applying for more Starlink subsidies in rural areas after getting $885M in 2020 and was rejected due to cost of service. A week later a partnership with TMO was announced where the next generations of their satellites would have a small slice of spectrum for text messages and other low data uses anywhere in the future. So, eh, he's made some great products, but all the hype over him as some super genius saving humanity falls a bit flat for me. Solving climate change by going to Mars is ludicrous - if it comes down to humans living in domes they're a LOT cheaper to build here, it's a LOT cheaper to transport people to them, there's a lot more resources around (oxygen being one of them) and the environment outside the domes will be far less extreme. He really wants to go to Mars - which I think is cool too! But I take anything he says with a grain of salt. The Ukrainian government doesn't either and is looking for alternatives to Starlink because he's been so inconsistent recently, cutting off 1300 units weeks after saying he'd pay for them, etc etc.


There sure seem to be a lot of permanent suspensions getting handed out at the new "free speech" twitter...


This person screencapped it all, but posted it all backwards. Start with this post, go bottorm-right to top left in each group of pictures, and work your way back. https://twitter.com/exclamate_/status/1589426234231951362


o7 (salute) Sir, you are comic genius. Hope to see you parodying Elon on Mastodon someday!


I absolutely love how Yay's animation style has progressed. Their hair is amazing in this comic.


That's quite a feat, considering how mad he already is on average...

El Ffej

I saw a collection of your Elon tweets over on tumblr -- damn near wet myself reading them. Didn't realize you were the author until I went back and re-read them. Kudos for some truly brilliant comedy (to go along with your brilliant work on QC). Also, glad to see your tweets (and the subsequent account cancellation) was prominently reported on Ars Technica.

Celine Chamberlin

I saw a screenshot of one of your posts on a meme page's story on Instagram. I didn't think to get shot of it before it went away, though.


This is where I can support Elon Musk, right? ;) For your little stunt on Twitter you have gained yourself a new Patreon. Good work, my friend!