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Neither physically nor emotionally





Samantha Yeaman

May is probably not the AI you want around during an emotional crisis, but on the other hand, she's a major step up from Pintsize.

Kyle Major

No one is really but your doing ok May. I hope Faye will be ok, this is a hard situation when you BF GF gives you the cold sholder.


So May isn't waterproof then?

Celine Chamberlin

Bubbles better come around in the end. Faybles is my OTP.


None of us are. You don't get a script.


2nd on the Bubbles/Faye OTP. :(


why you break our hearts jeph why


I don't know if I'm built to deal with this emotionally.

David Paul

Unfortunately for Faye, Bubbles more than likely feels like the underground fighting arena is her "safe haven", so to speak. Faye would never forgive Corpse Witch for being an absolute shitpile, and it would more than likely cause Bubbles to harbour resentment towards her as well (she has made some pretty snide comments herself which has pushed Bubbles' buttons (no pun intended)): <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3315" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3315</a>


sigh bubbles... I know she's going to come around though, she's definitely not happy with that lady anyway.

John Ridley

I kind of wonder if Bubbles isn't staying there to try to keep it from turning even worse.

David Howe

Actually, I kind of wonder if Bubbles hasn't been *assigned* there to keep an eye on what is clearly a criminal AI lacking an empathy subroutine..


Well, even though Bubbles is NOT in a position to burn that bridge the way Faye did, there is nothing saying they can't be friends still. Besides, unless Faye was willing to kill Corpse Witch, that punch was sadly less than useless. Everything has shown that a chassis collapsing may be annoying, but doesn't really hurt the AI. On the other hand, we all knew that months of illegal underground fight money was going to end eventually. Either it slides aboveboard or goes downhill, and taxes are gonna be an issue.

Jacob Crux

"you lose your home, your livelihood, quite likely your chassis too" so at this point shes basically being held hostage by CW. Because if anything she could give up bubbles and then she'd be screwed. Also she cant just leave, we dont know what overheads she has, or dependants that maybe we dont know of?