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Yay is OUTTA there




When did Yay load the "romantic relationships, with undertones" module?


Clinton's kind of a jerk in that last panel. May be my own baggage, but being determined that someone else make decisions so they're beneficial to you isn't exactly nice.




Clinton has his faults but being entitled isn't really one of them. He's being hyperbolic.

Thomas Halpin

Always difficult to watch when somebody has room to grow in ways you've already seen and been and done, but I love this show, and I already have my popcorn.


I wonder if they need a baker

Evgeniy Semyonov

Best way out of this discussion for Clinton is to repeat first panel in reverse.


Also, Yay isn't that fond of Clinton I think based on prior interactions and Clinton's own ability to be an ass with robots.


Whoops. Poor Elliot, my heart. (Definitely not saying they they are at the point where they should be discussing a future together, but if this was Clinton's plan all along he should have mentioned it at the beginning so Elliot had that knowledge going into the relationship. )


typo: stories ? with i?

Bill Silvia

Clinton's in college now. I think it can be assumed that his plan would be to graduate and leave one day, although that may be treated as "the distant future" in early days of the relationship.

Bill Silvia

Consider the problems he's had with Claire in the past, I guess it runs in the family.


Elliot is a large, strong, pleasant guy with no apparent plans. I'm pretty sure he'd have no trouble at all following Clinton somewhere interesting.


@Bill - yes, but that is different than having a specific plan to go someplace after graduation. And Elliot may not have apparent plans, but that doesn't mean he isn't happy where he is (as is the same for a good deal of the cast).

David Paul

"Baking is wonderful! It's like science for hungry people!" https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1679

Stephen Wells

Awooga awooga, Trouble In Paradise klaxon activated. Jeph is being mean to Elliot again :(

Mad Marie

“In Latin, ‘stories’ is spelled with an ‘I’.”

Mad Marie

Can we see the “inside Elliot’s head” scenario like you did with Marigold doing yoga?!

Shawn K. Younkin

BAH!! Whatever THEY are just a fictional character and could never hurt me!! ::Nervously looks over his shoulder::

Shawn Spencer

Why wouldn't Clinton already be graduated? Aren't they twins, aka, they're the exact same age? Surely her degree wasn't that much quicker to obtain than his?

Todd Ellner

Grad school can take different times for different subjects and students

Stephen Wells

They have complained before that people keep thinking they're twins and they're not. Claire is older.


The first time you meet them in a single strip they vehemently insist that they are not twins lol