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Some Ed

I feel like Emmett's response is rather skewed to their perspective. For example, I'd think there are some who think it's great, because there's this one movie theater where you don't get bothered much, and sometimes if you're lucky, a friendly giant comes in and feeds you. It hasn't happened for a while, but it's only a matter of time... Right?


I've heard that since Tim Hortons went corporate they became terrible and the Canadians now consider everything from them to be absolutely terrible.

Ace of Hearts

I mean we still eat it and they have potato wedges now and sometimes when you order them they are mostly cooked


honestly seems tame as an Emmett aneqdote. I'm sure there's a part where they got trapped in the basement with the rats for a night or something


I was like “It Sucks There” is the name of the town?


The Pied Piper had names & locations changed to protect their identity.


If I have the choice between McDonalds and Tim Hortons for breakfast I'll always choose the former


its nto that they went corporate, they went american (was bought by BK i think) and switched to everything being shipped in frozen & finished in store instead of baked fresh from scratch, still one of the better places for a quick lunch whilst traveling but not much else

Greg Morrow

Tomorrow, Emmett lore continues with the story of how their rat-feeding caused a runout of the Alberta Anti-Rat Patrol just across the border.


Emmett is Mae Borowski, confirmed.


Ach, the donuts went that way literally in the nineties sometime. That’s when we lost eclairs and all the other pastries they used the whipped cream you get on Ice Capp Supremes in. It was only a matter of time for everything else.


Hortons was always kinda corporate? But they never really recovered from the store format transition from “dark coffee place made out of brick” into “brightly lit, welcoming extruded beige place with non-pastry food options.” I think that process started in the late eighties. By the nineties, the donuts were frozen and finished instead of baked on site (losing a number of pastries in the process, like eclairs and cakes). The harbinger was probably soup.


Tweak that slightly and it could have been my home province. Nailed it.


Don't worry Sam. Rats and mice can *absolutely* find their way to the candy counter and tunnel their way into all those packages on their own.


I'm sure this has been said, but I love that Marten is being so respectful of Emmet's input. That's a good big brother and a good big friend, there.

Daniel Drazen

I'm still poutine-curious.

Sean Kinlin

So The Friendly Giant was a show produced by rats, and was about Emmett?

Some Ed

I try to make no claims about shows with which I'm unfamiliar. I think I might have seen a trailer for this show and if my memory serves me correctly, the characters didn't look like rats. That said, I do not know the limits of rat costuming, or rat technology in general. I'm pretty sure I've seen a rat trap and it was larger than the mouse traps my father had previously put around the farm we were living on at the time. But that was over 40 years ago, so I really can't say with complete confidence that it's actually a true memory. But I can say with about the same level of confidence that I've not had other encounters this lifetime with rats that I have not successfully repressed or forgotten. As such, all of my so-called knowledge of rats is hearsay and thus suspect. My apologies if my attempts to empathize have led you astray.


I grew up in rural Saskatchewan. I don't remember having Milk Duds though.


Yeah, I tried their soup sometime back in the 90s. That was the end for me. I haven't set foot in a Tim Horton's since then. And Sam's dad is right... Timbits ARE just donut holes.


They got milk duds in BC dollar stores at least.


It went really bad when they didn't want to pay their original coffee bean supplier and instead tried to rely on their brand name. McDonalds picked up the coffee bean contract and has had my business ever since.


The rainbow used to have milk duds, but that isn't exactly rural.