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not bad, not great



Evgeniy Semyonov

We need to get together Emmett, Emily, Melon, Brun and probably Beeps. Then watch Northampton turn into Gravity Falls real quick.


I would bet Cubetown (gah, almost typed “Cutetown”) is the high tech version of Gravity Falls.

Mike O'Dell

Causality incarnate.

Evgeniy Semyonov

Raven could actually contain and reroute all that weirdness into something useful or at least harmless. BTW wouldn't be surprised to see her being a Head of some department in Cubetown.

Yelling Bird

I identify with this kid so much.

Matt Pedone

You almost wonder if Emmett's mom scoped out the town before moving there, and was like, "Well, Emmett will fit in here..."

David Durant

Do we know if Raven has money? Maybe she's the Mysterious Benefactor?

Clifton Royston

I really like how Emmett comes in all hooded and psychologically armored, and then as they talk, starts loosening the hood and puts it back and literally lets down their hair. Emmett feels safe with Sam and Veronica and now with Marten.


I'm with Veronica. I think Emmett is officially my new favorite character.


Veronica face. I'm there.

Daniel Rydberg

I still wonder over the sequence of events. It could be: Last night Emmett let the back door open, cat came in. This day, Emmett trips over cat (they found out about the cat), mom tries to sho cat out, cat hides. Mom is fed up, decides to wait and check out rabies info. Emmett tries to feed cat, steps into soy milk plate, it breaks, argument and they came over to Sam. But I think there are variations or other sequences. Let’s just say, I need more Emmett Lore.

Ruth Merriam

Problem 9. Prove for Emmett. There's a great little meme I saw this week with a top image of a straight row of footsteps labeled "NO PETS" and a bottom row of footsteps and pawprints that looked like a deathmatch labeled "CAT OWNERS." It had little notations. "What do you need?" "Meow" "I'm just trying to - -" "Cat!" "Can't you just - -" "Watch out!" "Geez!" This is me every damned morning trying to get from the bedroom into the kitchen. And right now, our two cats are running laps through the house at top speed. I see no problem with Emmett's situation or explanation.

Christopher Beer

I just realized that there are 6 strips (plus more coming I am sure) all on the basis of Martin asking to borrow a piece of luggage from Veronica.

Tim Keating

Emmett needs to be in treatment for their ADHD, stat.

Brian Bailie

I have come to the conclusion that we are seeing entirely too little of Veronica. So there. Fix that. Please. Thank you.

Clifton Royston

This can very well still be what it's like *after* you are treated and medicated for ADHD. Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything, no no no.

Clifton Royston

Jeph has gotten incredibly good over the years at working in these revealing psychological details through movement & stance & facial expression without any dialogue needed. Also I just noticed in yesterday's strip that Emmett is now officially Sam's "best friend." Awwww.

Am Queue

I'm actually not seeing much here that's ADHD in preference to 'tween still learning the ends of their body'. One of the things I did as a parent was have my kids involved in some (even vaguely) mindful/careful body movement through their teens. This helped them learn, on an at least weekly basis, where there body reached, and helped mitigate the clumsiness of growth spurts. (Eldest and youngest was kid classes of karate, until eldest felt too pressured to advance into black belt classes, at which point they quit, and youngest, it turned out, was only doing that cause Big Sibling was. Youngest then shifted to dance classes.)


I do see adhd here as not only a parent of adhd teens but also someone who is au/adhd. Careful body movement doesn't change getting distracted (which Emmett clearly stated they were) and it definitely doesn't fix dyspraxia (which also can result in clumsy movement and is Comorbid with a number of neurodiversities)