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the art of parenting




Marten-Mom is such a MAN! Ipulator...

Daryl Sawyer

I may not be able to ground you, but I can tell on you to someone who can.

Fart Captor

Veronica just step on me already, please 🥺


Love how they get into a genuine sibling dynamic


Veronica used Claire-telling on Marten! It's super-effective!


Am I the only one who pictures Veronica as the same voice as Bayonetta orrrr….I feel like it fits her history too.


Sam! This is definitely a “hang together or we shall all hang separately” situation. Even so, not sure any group could hold against Veronica.

Summer Sudbrink

Never interrupt your child when they in the middle of making a(n) (embarrassing) mistake.


It was the inevitable outcome of Sam's calling shotgun for life.


Sam, nobody likes a tattletale. (Well, except Sam. People love her. And boy is she gonna take advantage of that.)


Is it bad that I aspire to Veronica's parenting skills?

Kyle Rudy

Maybe just a little, because it's predicated on parenting knuckleheads worthy of a webcomic. It's all fun and games until the garter snakes are in YOUR cabinets.


Having a Fourth Wall safely between you and them adds to the charm of some characters.


Is it only for me that the comic strips have been in a really low resolution this last week? I squint to read atm. I usually click on the pic and zoom, but the quality is so bad now that I can’t even read the text.

Todd Ellner

Disembodied head and hands of Veronica floating around the fireplace. Very Halloween. Yes, you can see the rest, but the low contrast between her turtleneck and the background gave that as a first impression