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Samantha Yeaman

Dun dun DUNNNN. ( <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbeEO58Hlfo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbeEO58Hlfo</a> was my first reaction )

Captain Button

Don't want to know about a robot's thing.


Oh noes! It's going down...


But what happened to the Racoon? Was it arrested, or did she make a fur hat out of it?

Captain Button

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nktOEkrAD8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Robot Raccoon</a> fell back in his room, only to find Gideon's Bible.

Paul Grodt

I would like to wander around Robots N Things. I bet that would be the coolest store evar.


Is this the old rink? Or Faye's place?

Owen Smith

Aw crap - probation violated.

Eric Sieck

How? Going for repairs with legitimately purchased goods?


Associating with criminals. If the fight club goes down, she's going down with them.

loyd travis hodges

I am really kinda growing fond of May she is a remarkably complex character although she seems kinda Simple-Minded. I would gladly take her on as an AI companion.

loyd travis hodges

not true she has plausible deniability. given her status and the fact that even the basic AI healthcare system treats her like crap and she has a friend who works on robot chassis she can deny knowing anything about the robot fights. as far as anyone is concerned she is only there for a....minor operation? For which she is receiving a charitable deal ( not as in free dermal covering but the technician isn't charging her the normal hourly rate). in the worst case scenario Faye's word would likely clear May of any charges.