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No good deed goes un-punished.


Yay for Yay! I love this tangent!

Just some Fish

Yay fricking looks like they be wearing a beret in Panel 2. :D


Yay needs to play them this music video to gently explain how awesome they is! https://youtu.be/lDZ7p7WAG2o 🤘😈🤘 Then follow it with this: https://youtu.be/mr7t3jEDcrw

Rodrigo Ourcilleon

Marten has never met them before. Is he going only by what Faye and Bubbles might have said at some point?

Mad Marie

@Chris: Sam has a sharpie for that…I wonder if she does connect-the-freckle constellations.

David Paul

Marten is the node of Yay's hivemind that doesn't realise he is a part of their collective, but has some of their surveillance powers.


Both Aurelia and Claire are exhibiting incredible mom energy


took my five minutes of trying to figure out if "AI" became a slur before I finally saw that Yay said "fuck"


There ya go, Yay! Read some Kerouac and some Ginsberg, and Snyder too. That shouldn't take you but, oh!. . . You're done already? Okay, now find a black beret and maybe a pair of sunglasses and adopt a beatnick personna. A pair of bongo drums, an unwashed salad bowl, and a bleu cheese on rye sandwich will round out the outfit.


after rereading Yay's early appearances (#3391-on) I don't see how Marten would recognize them. He wasn't part of those scenes.

Thomas Halpin

Description, presumably. They have a distinctive appearance and presentation, and there's no question it would have been a topic of conversation multiple times.

Stephen Wells

She's a mom. She's a librarian. Together they are... Team Mombrarian. In cinemas this fall... you WILL be quiet.

Stephen Wells

You'd only have to hear the story about the strange agender spookybot with the red eyes once and you would know what to look out for.


He probably also noticed that Yay refers to themselves as "we." I imagine that came up when Faye and Bubbles told him about the whole thing at the coffee shop.

Todd Ellner

They should have come up with a pseudonym. "We are Harbinger"


Depending on when in the timeline that occurred Faye might have heard "We are Hamburger" leading to more confusion.

Ursus Ridens

You want better cover with a pseudonym....um, say, "We are Tim Horton"? ..."Colonel Sanders"?


Harbinger? What is this a Worm sequel? (nobody will get this reference; that's ok)