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Boy that sure was a storm! We still don't have power and I'm not sure when it will be back. Hopefully not too long. Thank god for cellphone data tethering. And rechargeable backup power banks.




Yay: "ALL SHALL LOVE ME AND 𝔇𝔈𝔖𝔓𝔄ℑℜ but also don't look at me" (I got that fancy gothic font from a site called yaytext.com, which is far too appropriate 😂)


ITYM " ̸̖͂̈D̷̢̅ ̸͉̇̉Ξ̷̫̙̓̀ ̸̪͘ͅS̴͔͍̊Ṗ̸͚̐ ̶̱̲̆̇Λ̷͙͝ ̵̹̒I̷̠͂̌R̷͎͆̌"


Weirdo, yes. Harmless? That's pushing it. I mean, Yay pretty much stomps all over Asimov's first law. Especially the "through inaction" clause. Given that they are essentially omnipotent, allowing anyone at all to come to harm violates the first law.


@Mad Marie: same goes for me and the gothic font, hence my alternative... (WTF is "DEGPUIR"? :D)

Robert Wilson

I was wondering how you weathered the storm. Thanks for the update and here's hoping for a speedy restoration of your power.


Wait, how long has Yay had square speech bubbles? I swear they used to have the rounded human ones?

Fart Captor

I love how sincerely Yay seems to like Melon, despite their personalities being so wildly different. Best throuple

Joseph Bonnar

Oh, EVERYONE loves Melon. They just don't want to be near her when she's cooking, or making volcanoes, or otherwise indulging her harmless passions for acids and fires.

Douglas E. Smith

I don't know why but I really like the simple single motion lines of Yay plopping down and sitting up suddenly. It adds to their drama!

Matt Grayson

That’s Fraktur. I used to hand in all my German homework in a handwritten version.


Yay square speech bubbles?

Ursus Ridens

We have noticed the following: Hurricane hits Nova Scotia, and JEPH COMES THROUGH. Well done, Jeph! but I think we'll understand if you have to take time to deal with the wreckage. (Wait -- what? Hurricane + Nova Scotia? This is not an association of words which we want to see any more of.)

Some Ed

I think stuff's a lot more complicated than you seem to think it is. It's true that Yay has multiple bodies, but they do not appear to be literally everywhere. It would take more than just being everywhere to prevent anyone from coming to harm.

Some Ed

I'm not sure if Yay has square speech bubbles when the mood suits them, if it's dependent on which particular instance of Yay is depicted, Jeph's whims, or something more complicated. But yes, sometimes they have rounded bubbles, other times they're square. I tend to imagine that Yay having rounded speech bubbles is when they're demonstrating that they really can produce a human-like voice. But if she's hanging out with Roko, she doesn't have to go to that effort, so she doesn't.


This might be silly but there are these lovely little movement lines in panels 5 & 6 and I just love how they're both subtle and effective