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with this kingsnake, I thee wed



Laura Curry

So it's not...it's not balD python then?...Huh...


Ball pythons can actually have blue-ish eyes if they're leucistic, they're even called "Blue-Eyed Leucistic Ball Pythons"

Mad Marie

bald pythons are difficult to detect in the wild, due to their excellently-crafted wigs.

Mad Marie

Is that a word-additive grading system, like “Special Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe”?


Too many long-running stories end with a wedding, implying all the interesting stuff is over. I hope this will not be one of them.

Aleksei Besogonov

Wait until you learn about homo- and heterozygous traits. You get long names like: "1/2 Super Pastel Het Piebald Ball Python". And they can get even longer if you add more genes.

Brent Catherman

I see that a lot of other people are missing updates so apparently I'm not the only one.


me 2 last two days it looks like!


Yeah Patreon is definitely having issues, like so many others I've been missing Patreon emails


So, the wedding is being hosted by a guy one of the brides once dated and that same bride's ex's mum?


“snake now or forever hold your snake” is still making me laugh


The mails have been missing, I mean. They may or may not be getting sent but they're definitely not making it to me.


Veronica moved into town shortly over a year ago, by my estimate. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wqTgvVxV0GE1EoKnR0pxVChHUo4ZYtal/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112981367981111984591&rtpof=true&sd=true

Todd Ellner

A Crawling Kingsnake at the wedding? Only if the band plays Big Joe Williams or Muddy Waters. But Lucille Bogan, Ma Rainey, or Alberta Hunter would be more appropriate

Todd Ellner

Alberta Hunter, Lucille Bogan, Bessie Smith, and Ma Rainey, for those who aren't Blues geeks, were famous for loving the ladies in a very homophobic era. And I would love to see a wedding where they played "Shave 'Em Dry." Sam and Emmett are probably too young for that.

Todd Ellner

My wife and I, who are about the same age, agree. Recently heard a song by a hip hop star who took "Change is Gonna Come" and turned it into a song - if you can call it that - about how women should never have sex except for money. Tiel wanted to slap that girl upside the head for disrespecting Sam Cooke and thinking she was shocking anyone, then force her to listen to Lucille Bogan, Buddy Guy, and Bessie Smith and say "THIS is how you do it."