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Tai?!?!??! Natural hair color?!?!?!?! Nani!??!?!!!??!?!




I think I got it: we're in the mirror universe, but instead of everyone having goatees, they have the hair from 19 years ago, and Marten is inexplicably way more decisive.

Rodrigo Ourcilleon

Oooooh Tai! I love her hair!! Much less so her life philosophy. :/


Tai with long hair?? Yes please

Stephen Wells

IIRC she plans to be incredibly femme at her wedding, just to confuse people :)

Vanillastump .

Claire smokes right? Not to her mother's level, but enough to alleviate her stress a bit? I mean, I use it to treat MY anxiety (and depression.) Maybe smoking 10% of what I do might help her to relax.


She's been known to enjoy a jazz cigarette or two. Or... what do you call a bong? A jazz vase?

Vanillastump .

I usually name my glass-ware. (Big Red, Mean Green, Little Doper) My next bong is going to be Jazz Vase. Thanks for that.

Stephen Wells

There was a whole storyline where Claire demanded to get high with Aurelia, that's when Cosmo showed up.


Long-hair Tai 😍😍😍😍😍😍

Nicolas Dao-Phan

I think a Claire trying to solve IT issues while high on the job is something that could happen. As in the company will provide the marijuana.

Matt Pedone

Claire takes the job and deals with the stress by naming everything with puns.

Ruth Merriam

Tai with lips. Perfection.

Shawn Spencer

I'm surprised we haven't seen anything about the flames tattooed on Dora's ass.


Marten is OPPOSING a 'just be chill and not pay attention to crap' line of thinking. The man has grown! Character growth! I'm so happy/proud of him!


I think we did... Way way back. I'll check the wiki.


Not in the wiki (yet. Will update), but check https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=108 and https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1278


Also this classic https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=870


Tai's hair looks great here, not just the color but the style!