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is this a Dune thing? it's a Dune thing isn't it




Correct Clinton, 'Hanners-Lore'

Frank Wales

Just for pun, Claire uses her temporary command to rename the shop to 'Coffee of Dune'.


Hannelore could turn a coffee shop evil


I first read this as Dora making an excuse to put Claire in charge (knowing that Hannelore would pass the baton right back to Claire when granted it) so that she'd gain confidence and get a little leadership practice. I think the other commenters also have a point when saying that she's trying to talk to Martin alone, but it could be a two-birds-one-stone situation.

Some Ed

I think she was aiming for at least three birds with this stone.

Grace Kieser

Last time she was in charge, she had a panic attack and froze, and Marten had to Google how to make espresso

Stephen Wells

Every night, Tai smokes weed and snuggles with Dora; it's a stoned bird, two bushes scenario :)

Nicolas Dao-Phan

Hannelore can call in orbital bombardment.


> Dora leading Marten out by the arm > Marten’s look of concern … huh. What’s Dora’s plan here.


It's getting toward Autumn, and the Pumpkin Spice must flow...

Todd Ellner

She knows it is only a matter of time before her Final Metamorphosis

Jeff W



Hanners-lore forever