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Claire has resources that other MLS grads do not...Hanalore and Yea come to mind.


I couldn't imagine considering Yay as a resource to be leveraged. If ambivalent actions help another that's one thing, but asking for assistance? That's opening a large can of chaotic worms.


All this talk of Cubetown has me thinking of Cube World. Anyone remember that game? It’s alpha made a huge splash, then the developer ghosted for, like, 7 years and surprise released the full game. It wasn’t much improved. Pity that. In the words of every teacher I’ve ever had: “It had so much potential.”


I'm more thinking FlatLand and suddenly the idea that these are 4D AIs trying to make sense of 3D reality makes things make a whole lot more sense.


“…a nightmarish AI techno-cult from which there is no escape” is sounding more likely with each question!


So there's a very conspicuous jar of Moray in the background in the past two shots. ... Is Moray really supposed to be giving this interview? Or is she an escaped lab experiment/assistant and the actual interviewer just left the room or something? heh


Can you read what's written on the jar? I only get "[...]alive[...]Do not[...]"


This company is going to go bust in less than six months. 🚩


Will Roko end up as Executive Director?


This is why I don't work for startups lol

Sleepy John

May. If you can't be a fighter jet, being an Omnipotent Director has to be a close second.


It tickles me that someone else has also read FlatLand. I feel like it should be required reading in high-school. Might help cut down on those flat-earther weirdos.

Andrew Diseker

Can't quite make out the little signs, except for (barely) "Do Not Sit This means you Moray", the one on the wall is something about exploding, and the jar says something about slime?

David Banes

...Maybe Moray should do an OnlyFans? Just saying.

Clifton Royston

Three more tangential thoughts: 1) My kid's summer job was at the university here, converting - did you guess it? - an enormous spreadsheet into a database and series of scripts. It went great, everyone is duly grateful, and they may be able to continue the work part-time and remote over the fall. That part isn't all bad. 2) Re "Don't explode" - my Twitter feed recently blew up with a hazard engineer's discussion about why a good beginner laser project is /not/ a pumped dye laser consisting of coumarin dissolved In pressurized DMSO. (To sum up, highly flammable, pressurized, skin-contact rat poison.) 3) If Claire takes this job, she will find out what kind of person she is - either the kind who loves this sort of job, or the kind who hates it. I know both kinds, and I can see both sides of it, though I lean more on the "love it" side myself. Really it depends whether the management here are assholes or just disorganized.

Gary Walker

For those of you who feel this situation is unrealistic, this is me, pointing at every Jenkins built by the startup dev team ever.

The World Famous Chocomerican

Is it weird that I'm having absolutely lewd thoughts about Moray and considering asking Jeph for a Moray pinup? Either way, I am and I might.


it's not a company so much as a lifestyle.