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been playing cult of the lamb lately. it's real good but don't buy the switch version, it's busted as hell




I am thinking something along the lines of the "Metal Float" from Vivy but not run amok and evil?

James H. Hobbs

Interview is spelled Itnterview in last panel.


I'm wondering if pintsize will join them, and if so what kind of hell can/will be raised by him.

Wayne Farmer

I'm getting foreshadowing vibes of an "Escape from Cubetown" arc. Remember who traveled in cube-shaped spacecraft? "We are the Yay. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Chocolate will be provided."


Adore Cult of the Lamb and I wondered when reading the last line.

Matt Pedone

Chocolate and doggies - the AI *did* figure out how to do a good cult!

Ruth Merriam

Do they know Yay? Yay knows everything.

Jim Feldman

I agree, but Yay can be "sparing" with the truth if it suits them. They might ask Hanners who has multiple AI contacts including "Station"


Cult of the Lamb is such a fun game


I might be into robot cult...


Calling it now - Yay, Roko, and Station collaborated to make this place.


Roko didn't actually contribute, but she's where Yay got the idea.


But does he really, though? Lol

William Karr

I think this entire comment section is a cult…

Clarence the Liar

The real cult is r/questionablecontent, who read the comic even though they hate every panel of it and will tell you why in excruciating detail.


A machine cult you say? *starts praising the Omnissiah*