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It would be like Naruto but for curling




Jeph you're playing with my heart


Well that was random


Derailed on the way to sexytowne

Buck Caldwell

You have no idea how disappointed I was that the Nagano Winter Olympics in 1998 didn't spawn a Curling anime. They've got them for pretty much every other sport now, and I'm sure Tokyo will be inspiring more.

jeff fearnow

What. Brun is on a Curling team. Where is your god nao

Jason Zions

Hu-REEEEE! Hu-REEEE! Hard! Hard! All the way! Don't stop! Never stop! HARRRRRRRRD! -- Sandra Schmirler, best Canadian female curling skip in the history of the game

Captain Button

Teenagers piloting giant robots sliding bombs under AA defenses to defeat alien invaders?


Yeah Montreal!

Mari San

Curling championshit in Montreal, yeah!