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boom boom tssh, boom boom tssh




Boop's raps are getting better tho

Hugh Eckert

Poor Roko. Also, daaaaannng. But mainly, poor Roko.

Michael Keogh

Ever so slightly forward Roko.

Joseph Bonnar

By the way, just to mention it... That dress IS abridged!

Ursus Ridens

Um, nice top, Roku. (¿¿There's an actual _dress_ somewhere??)

Joseph Bonnar

I believe the rest of that dress was devoured by its cannabalistic sisters.

Zak Reichle

Is that a picture of an adolescent Beepatrice in the background?

Sleepy John

I just saw a posting that "Body dysmorphia is so weird because you can hook up with someone who is HOT and they think you're hot too but you're still awww this is sweet of them to be doing community service"

Clifton Royston

So my impression of the image in the mirror sent me on a bit of a chase through the archives last night, and I really think what she's seeing in the mirror is her self-image based on her old body. That's why this hit her so hard and abruptly. I think everyone noticed the hair color is different and the skin color is different, but I think the features are also subtly different - more angular than she's drawn now - and closer to how she looked before the accident. (Or perhaps how she thought she looked before.) It's hard to be sure because Roko's hair style and way of carrying herself has changed since she quit the police force, and Jeph's drawing style has changed a lot since the earlier days, but compare the panel 3 appearance of Roko in the mirror, and Roko now in the other panels, to her old self in: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3415 I think the mirror image is considerably closer to her old look. I speculate that's because it's how she still thinks of herself and so that's what she sees momentarily. Mirrors are strange and people usually project a lot about their own self image when they look into them.


This makes a lot of sense - I was trying to figure out panel three, and I think you hit it on the head.

Mad Marie

So flipping through the archives, I relearned that Beeps at some point in the past moved from her original body to a second one—and that her frequent (or possibly continual) dissociative episodes never truly abated, thus she shifted again into a third body (the current one) which seems to have allowed her to stabilize. The narrative never goes into what prompted the original switch. (3952) Also, Roko asked Yay if they would be open to helping her stabilize, much in the way that Yay helped Bubbles with her locked away memories. Yay smugly acknowledged that they could do pretty much anything, but that helping Bubbles was already a deep stretch to their ethical core and that helping Roko in such a way would be at least a bridge too far. (3922-3923)

Mad Marie

Check out 3947: the mirror is drawn with the same rotation.

Clifton Royston

I'm not really seeing that in that comic? Maybe we're interpreting some of the reflection images differently.

Clifton Royston

I misread what you had written at first, and was thinking you'd said Roko had switched to a 3rd body at some point, but you're right. Beeps did say that she herself was on her 3rd body because she could never adapt to her 2nd body, and it was never explained why she had to change bodies in the first place. I wonder if we'll learn a little more about that at this point, if Beeps can just stop trying to rap. (Ugh. I've experienced people doing those kind of horrid attempts at rapping, while expecting everyone around them to pretend they're good at it. It's not pretty.)


As a trans person, this comic hits reaaalllly hard. I couldn't stand mirror or being photographed for the longest time.


I like the reversal of the normal phrasing of "is that a [blank] in your pocket or are you just happy to see me." Probably is an indicator of character or something, I dunno

Danielle Church

I mean I'm pretty sure it's referencing Roko's bread fetish - she'd be more excited about a surprise baguette than any "happy to see you"!

Danielle Church

Hey Jeph, I reread this page and I was just appreciating the blur that you put on Roko's coloring. It's so subtle from a technical standpoint but it really drives the feeling home!