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Yelling Bird

Emmett's childhood sounds a LOT like mine.


I totally believe him, because I've done half that stuff myself. But nobody ever believed me either.

Anna Phylaxis

Yeah, I got into about half that much trouble, though most of it I never told another soul about. I wasn't cool, though, I was just an abused kid with no supervision, so I did whatever I felt like and stayed out of the house as much as possible.


I love that in the last panel Bubbles and Sam react by looking from Emmett to Faye and Millefuille reacts by looking from Emmett to Bubbles.

Summer Sudbrink

And that was all just one day.

Hugh Eckert

While Beeps just remains riveted on Emmett in horrified fascination.

Gary Walker

See, if you haven't lived in a rural setting this sounds fake, but if, like me, you grew up in a crappy little shithole town between two swamps, this is not merely believable but yeah, I know/was that kid. Like this one kid I knew fell through a construction site and ripped his leg open on a nail, made a bomb by hollowing out a nerf ball with fire and then filling the (as it turned out, incompletely) extinguished ball with black powder before adding a fuse and blew himself up, and his dad threw a tomahawk through the tv when he was drunk once, and he joined the Marines. Anyone who complains about emmet's realism knows not the fuck whereof they speak so sayeth me.

Ace of Hearts

I am both less and more concerned about them meeting Mellon now.


Huh. No perfume allusions today?

Fart Captor

Sam's affectionate, supportive smile in panel 2 is so cute I could DIE 🥺


Only city folk wouldn't believe them. Anyone that ever lived out in a rural area already knows at least three people that have done the same sort of stuff.


I mean, really, none of that sounds like even a stretch for someone that managed to buy their own tattoo gun and tattooed themselves.


Oh, people in my hometown absolutely believe that sort of thing happens all the time. They're also just certain that you PERSONALLY are a liar trying to get attention, and probably cribbed the story off your friend's brother's kid or some such.

Mad Marie

I believe everything but the part about joining the Marines. That just seems too far-fetched.

Gary Walker

His dad was a blacksmith and gunsmith who made a lot of SCA ppl weapons in SC. We would hunt and eat squirrels in back of his place and sleep in a shed with a little cast stove in it. The 70s were an amazing time to be a kid.

Lucas Werkmeister

ah, I was beginning to worry when your earlier comment didn't have the 🥺 emoji in it :P


Surprised by Faye's reaction to an "i got drunk and badly hurt myself" story, maybe she's more over her damage than i am!