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Now I want a matching space telescope spray with someone


When I was young I was looking to get a spray, but I got no offers. Except from the skunks on 7th Avenue.

Mad Marie

I do declare there were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there…


I bet that's the same janky feed aggregator I still use, LOL. I still like it though.

Fart Captor

I'm love Millibeeps 🥰


What year is it in QC? I had the impression it was in the 2040s

Thomas Halpin

Presumably the new telescope is both more awesome because of, and slightly delayed by, advances in AI. I doubt it would be ethical to send an AI on a telescope, but they probably still had to have that argument with a BUNCH of people, and some of those people were probably AI. Then came all the really cool measuring devices and the careful process of testing and redesigning and iterating. Then probably somebody tried to have sex with it and it had to be cleaned, re-measured, and like $10,000 of imperceptibly microdamaged gaskets replaced because you can't fix them after it launches.


I believe it's more of an alternate timeline present rather than the future per se.


Her T-shirt is your winningest design in a while.


I don't know if I'm prejudiced, but it seems to make so much sense that female-presenting AI friends know each other's software fairly in-depth.

David Durant

Ethical is an interesting discussion. Did the previous mentioned AI choose to be a Zamboni rather than to be in a free roaming human-body kit (putting aside the fact that it was obviously just a quick joke)? The whole process of how AI consciousness is created, nurtured and then enters the real world is still pretty nebulous in QC. Back when the strip first started I was under the impression that all anthro-PCs had to be buddied up with a human (Pintsize with Martin, Momo with Marigold, etc). We don't hear anything about that kind of relationship any more. The kinds of AIs we come across now seem to be assumed to have gone directly from their creche to being self-supporting in the real world - think Roko becoming a cop.

William Cole

You are too kind! As my first and only act as King of Internets, I'm shutting the whole thing down and setting it on fire. You're welcome.


Emmett's mom knows what's up

Zain Redding

Social media is a plague worse than covid. IMO

Bonnie Doolittle

I thought they volunteered to be buddied up. Like a big brother big sister program but human and ai

Todd Ellner

Social media is one of the main reasons it's hard to get ahead of the plague. Every bit of stupid that would flicker out finds dry tinder on facebook, parler, and reddit


“I hate social media but that’s where all my friends are.” Never has a truer sentence been uttered…