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Justin Bean

Even the onomatopoeia have #butts disease


It breaks my heart to see Faye backsliding on the drinking, but on the other hand, if this is what we have to go through to get more Bubbles and Faye goodness, I'll take it. Those two have such good chemistry together.


The bottom margin note -- I guess I get that. "This is going to hurt to say, but it won't hurt long, so let's go for it!" Makes me think about my use of the "say weirdly personal stuff to Internet strangers" approach. It's cool that even your little margin notes can make me think about stuff.

Trigon Manthree

That hand is right there on that bottle cap, but we just gotta wait and see what happens. I just watch the shows; I don't try to figure out or control what the authors are going to do next. THEY'RE the authors; WE'RE the audience.