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What’s a buttfor


I have a suspicion that Apple made their Apple Tag because Tim Cook couldn’t find his car keys for the whole 4th quarter of 2015.


Yay are definitely going to make Aurelia's car keyless, unless it's too old to even try.


Amateur. I haven't seen my keys in almost six. 😅 But it's a ten minute walk to work, and a twenty five minute walk to my fiance's place, so I'm in the same boat. 😅

James Pacheco

Not a girl. Not a robot.


Yay evidently exuded another pair of shorts.

Nicholas Lopez

But where did Aurelia put her glasses? D:


Amateur. Hour and a half walk to work. About an hour if I wanna go anywhere else.


Aaaaah, the Yay hip sway (Yay Sway?) In panel three. Hnnnnggg.


Is it bad that I ship this?

Maurice Kessler

Walkable towns are the only ones I'll consider living in.

Lenore J Jones

Aurelia, you are not an old lady!

Mad Marie

How long is a qc month in muggle time?


Not the buttagainst?

Michael Boettger

Yay still denying their newly found conscience. I like this new Yay.

Daniel S

2 to 1 says Cosmo ate them.

Dean Reilly

Also check the updog.

Fart Captor

This is so friggin' cute help


I am all-in on an Aurelia, Yay, and Cosmo month of strips.

Alacrity Fitzhugh

Oh, and they are not *a* good person; they are potentially several good people (and maybe a few questionable ones). One wonders if some of their various selves identify differently than Yay.

Yelling Bird


Scott Vogel

How I'd love to live in a walkable town. *Grumbles in rural town*

Summer Sudbrink

Did Aurelia just passive-aggressive Yay into finding her keys?


That explains why she's been ordering out a lot.


It looks like once Cosmo saw where Yay was taking Aurelia she decided they could keep their pants.


Goddammit lol


Cosmo doesn’t support the ship that some commenters do it seems 😂


I was fully expecting a patron only comic with uncensored Yay butt.


What's a.......heyyyyyy

Fart Captor

Oh god I just noticed Cosmo snuggling Aurelia in the first panel she's so perfect 😭


Cosmo probably hid the car keys so there would be no intoxicated driving...

Shane Wegner

Commence magnetic and X-ray scan for keys. Cross reference behavioral analysis with heat map of likely travel locations, modify behavior map for likely stoned behaviors. (Putting keys in freezer while picking up ice cream due to munchies for example.) Search yard just in case Cosmo somehow took them outside.


I am very sad that I can only heart this comment a single time.


Reminds me of the day I finally found my car keys in the fridge. I had put away the shopping and seemingly got confused at some point.

Chris Crowther

If it was my mother they'd be in the front door.

Mad Marie

They are on the hook by the door that Claire put up for her last year but Aurelia never uses—except that one time a month ago when she had a nalgene of mom wine.


We all run on pre-programmed autopilot sometimes. Like, you're going somewhere, and suddenly look up and realize you've had zero awareness of your surroundings for an unknown amount of time... but it's because nothing is happening and you just kinda zoned out. And then sometimes, that's a problem, because you did one thing different. Your keys were in the wrong hand, you got distracted and didn't put them in your pocket like usual, and when you got to the fridge, you had to set them down and you totally meant to pick them back up, but you were still kind of auto-pilot and setting other stuff down so you closed the door before you remembered. That or a glitch in the matrix.


Yay is about to use every single one of her terrifyingly powerful toolset to find those keys.


i am really hoping Yay and Aurelia become best friends.

Zach Elwyn

A butfor is like a henway.


So does Yay have a wardrobe in thier pod or did they steal those pants?

Kyle Rudy

This is sweet and all, but I'm reminded of a quote I can't quite recall. I think it was one of the American founding fathers who remarked that it's much easier to make a friend by borrowing a book, rather than by lending one out. It might be counter-intuitive, but when someone lets you borrow their book, their psychology tries to justify the risk they took by insisting you must be worth it. Yay keeps doing favors for Aurelia after--an admittedly brief--lifetime of avoiding personal entanglements. Doesn't it seem potentially problematic if vulnerability and service becomes the foundations of their first real friendship? Maybe I'm just jaded, but that feels like shaky ground, like Yay is one bad day from deciding to resent the potential leverage Aurelia has over her and the favors they've done for her. Or maybe I'm just overthinking comic strips again. It happens.

Nicolas Demers

We've seen a few of their bodies living in a nice apartment. Not sure how they acquired it or whose name the lease is under, but they definitely have the means


I just drive to where it's walkable.


Poundin' in nails