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the end

(not really)



Kate Cole

Jeph covering his own mistakes by writing them in?


The end will almost certainly involve Yelling Bird.


Its too late Dora, what has been is already been done.

Joel Bateman

It's been a good run here at QC

Orion Rhine

We all know this can't be the last QC, we haven't even reached #6969 yet.


You can't prove it wasn't intentional that way. 😇


No Jeph, it would not be funny


Sooo, we're not gonna talk about where that knife ended up?


Tilly is still up there to veto this, right?

Simon Green

RIV (Rest In Vapour)


This would be super funny if it were the last comic! Glad it's not though!


It's definitely in her foot. She won't notice till Dora slips in the blood.


Why does she have a knife?


Got a ways to go before that milestone, geez

Alacrity Fitzhugh

And that's the End. QED. Fare-thee-well. Catch you on the backside. Later days and better lays. Sayonara mon frere. Peas out. We're so done we're burnt. We are an ex-parrot.


This would have been a good one to post on March 31st, with the April 1st comic just being a nuclear mushroom cloud.


I guess she got that cranial uplink to Station after all!


Okay that would be hilarious though


It's Schrodinger's cliffhanger. It's both funny and not funny until we see if there's a comic tomorrow. (There better be a comic tomorrow. Or I'm burning it all down.)

Buck Caldwell

I love that Dora has a Station Safeword. Has this gun been seen on the wall before? It sounds familiar but I can't place it.

Jackie Horn



Next page is just a link to Alice Grove with the caption "some time later..."


Death of OCD, as I would expect.


That's just Station purging every digital copy from existence.

Mad Marie

We have to wait for 72 hours to find out, don’t we?


Deploying pizza bombardment


It's not a station safe word, it's the code word Hannelore put at the end of the newsletter so Dora could prove she read it.


i would be incredibly sad to see the strip go but an ending like this would be so on brand i would have no choice but to salute it


Unless I'm confused, there won't be a comic tomorrow, because this is Friday's comic. So, commence with the burning.


I can't argue that this wouldn't be a brilliant end... But I hope to die before the true end comes.


Nuke ‘em from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.


I always knew a typo would cause the end of the world 😏😂


nah. the last strip will jsut show a giant explosion on the side of the earth where Station destroyed the town.


Claire why would you do this


And this is why you don’t point out typos unless you have a professional obligation to do so.


Also, with the time it takes for a target package to reach CoD and the elapsed time between strips, we'd get at least 5-10 more...


Why is Dora saying "cantilever"? Is that a reference?

Mad Marie

Cantilever alone for five minutes without her calling in an orbital strike?


It's the safe word. Can't remember which comic it was but it was recent


Might still be fun to take an unannounced break from the comic right after this goes up. :-P

David Durant

Oh god, you've caught butts disease too - is there no limit to it's pernicious advance!

Ryan X

Pretty sure it's a codeword to override the Orbital Strike


ohgdthe KNIFE


Next week: Steve makes breakfast and realizes the kitchen is open air and the roaches are radioactive. Also Melon and Yay are there.


this is some excellent fourth-wall breaking/fan service ;)

red sands

cover your tracks with a crater

Ryan X

just expected it to be a typo in code, not a local coffee shop newsletter


And this is how my dad earned pocket money as a small boy. Grandpa got to the point where he couldn't see the typos in his newspaper after running a proof, so he called in his kids and paid them a nickel per typo spotted.


Somewhat ironic (or coincidental?) given that this is a comic about pointing out a mistake, but I believe you've accidentally drawn Claire's glasses over her nose in panel 4.


It's the codeword to prove she actually read the newsletter.


Goddammit, I saw she had the newsletter up on her phone & I scrolled back to that comic & everything but didn't read down to the password. 😓 Thanks, more-alert-than-me readers.


Don't worry Hanners I had to read it like 10 times before I could find the typo

Yelling Bird


Michael Boettger

Hanners has been involved in at least one end-of-the-world scenario before. It was set several years in the future, long after she left Northampton behind. Protip: when Hanners leaves town, look for shelter.


I had to read this like three times to see the typo! And I couldn't remember why Dora was saying that word so thanks - I thought it was the safe word too!


Ah, a case of real life writes the plot.

Yelling Bird



The pace of this comic, and all the gods willing, none. xD

Sir Pants

A bit of old Hanners resurfaced, and she brought Operation Scorched Earth with her.

Shawn K. Younkin

Nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure...


As someone who used to post stuff on the internet for a living and hated "you made a typo" comments, I am 100% on Hannelore's side here.


The real question- will the comic end on #6969 or #69420?


She already noticed the typo on her own, and was off to make it correct.

Thomas Halpin

Dora's reaction is priceless and I will cherish it forever.


A nuclear mushroom cloud with visible butts debris caught in the blast


QC's version of "Rocks fall. Everyone dies."

Anthony Gaglianese

I mean....a part of me feels this is a generally reasonable response. Though another part of me has not seen NEARLY enough of the cast naked yet, so I'm hoping Station has an abort sequence.


Damn this would have been PERFECT for an April Fool's strip.


I had to read the speech bubble three times to see the typo 🤦🏻‍♂️😅


My issue with all of the comic today is this: THEY HAVE AN OVERRIDE CODEWORD FOR THIS. This. Situation. Happened. Before.


Oh, the light from the impacts will be _quite_ brilliant, for a few milliseconds.

Nicholas A Wagner

Epic post of life changing power sculpted with skill that transcends mortals and what do people get out of it? "*it's"


Honestly, not the end of QC I expected but a pretty good ending all things considered


It's actually the password for Dora to prove that she read the newsletter! Though I suppose it could also be the password to stop an orbital bombardment?

Michael Chui

...so I take it everyone else also noticed the typo.


Oh for sure. I assumed someone would let him know but , you know, gently


I had to go back and read the newsletter again. I'm glad I did. It made Dora's response funnier.


It would be pretty funny if this was the last strip. You should delay the next one by a day and watch everyone freak out.


Included in the bombardment payload is unit designated ALICE whereas Church is deployed to intercept.


"In the grim future of WarHanner 2k21, there is only war - and Emperor Pintsize's nude mud wrestling trials beyond Coffee of Thunderdoom..."


HIP HOP - High In Plasma, High On Plasma


"Sunstone: Cantilever" - what better name for it's as-yet unnamed 4th arc?


I can't help but feel we are to blame for pointing out the typo.


But Jeph has to leave the Patreon up so we can talk about it until the end of days.


Is this a comment on the Patreon typo gang? 😅😅


Well, it was a good run, everyone.

Stephen Wells

Station, fortunately, is smart enough to say "Yes, ma'am" and not actually do anything until they've checked with Tilly first.


*brandishes knife* “Thank you! I hope you liked it!”


Next strip, Stations offensive systems vs Bubbles defensive systems. What of the earth will remain???

Kyle Rudy

This is the only time in QC history I've been tempted to quit the strip. I almost want to stop reading just so this is the end of the story for me. Alllllmost.


That was the first time in weeks I’ve laughed out loud at something.


Kinetic, emp, {explosive/nuclear?} Warheads?


So funny! I've read it multiple times now and I'm is still laughing! Cantilever!

William Cole

See, this is what happens if you give a job your best.

Ruth Merriam

We've all been there!


I dread to think what apocalyptic scenes this might inspire, but Claire's glasses are crossing over her nose in the penultimate panel.


Maybe they could use Emily's device to undo the typo before the newsletter was published?

Marc Kevin Hall

Jeph could always do like Zdarsky and Fraction did with S*x Cr*m*n*als and jump to #6969 for the last issue, just ignoring the intervening numbers. Down with dogmatic reliance on sequential numbering!

Marc Kevin Hall

I'm sure it's not the first time that destroying Northampton in nuclear fire has been wished for.


"Cancel the nukes, drop the moon instead!"

Jim Feldman

Actually the last panel for the strip should just be a flash or all white box. Sort of the opposite of the Sopranos.


We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Laura Curry

Please don't joke about the last QC! It's the only comic I still read daily!


This is how the world ends. With a bang…. 300 years from now it turns into Alice Springs.


The murderbots NEVER get to do anything fun. All the good stuff goes to the flashy bombardment systems and they just sit there being all smug and all..


Well EMP would kill all AIs and gadgets but Bubbles and Pintsize (if he was still in his old body), military grade chassis are EMP proof or at least resistant.


this is the End; my only friend, the End.


actually more like Failsafe. if you haven't seen it, you should. especially if you didn't live through the Cold War.


I didn't notice that until you mentioned it. Given Claire's dialog in that box, that's got to be intentional. Clever, Jeph!


Next strip, panel 1: profile view of Station and Earth. panel 2: same angle, barrage of weapons leaves Station on their way to Earth. panel 3: weapons seen steering clear, and blow up in space (or head for the sun). panel 4: Yay in front of the counter at Coffee of Doom, looking unamusedly at Hannelore while everyone else covers their head and has their eyes closed expecting imminent doom. Hannelore has eyes closed but is standing tall looking defiant. Panel 5: Hannelore senses Yay's gaze and opens an eye, making eye-contact with Yay. Yay asks (unamused) "the fuck you doing?"

Some Ed

But does Tilly get a veto? I mean, I understand there's been some amount of reorg since they first got there. But the overall effects of that reorganization have not been clarified in any detail that I'm aware of.


Didn't Tilly marry Station? I feel that nuking earth should be something couples discuss

Some Ed

Nah, Jeph did not accidentally draw her nose over her glasses in panel 4. To be clear, I'm not saying that panel 4 doesn't look like it'd be incredibly painful for Claire. I'm just saying Jeph didn't do it by mistake.

Some Ed

Damn it, yes, I *did* mean to say "happiness is it is own rewarnd." How can you argue with that sentence? Its *perfect*!

Some Ed

I can't help but feel this was already planned, and possibly even in queue.

Some Ed

ITYM "Bubbles and (part of) Yay", as Pintsize is definitely not in his military grade chassis.

Some Ed

@Drazi: Absolutely, and absolutely. I also recognize that not all couples are as functional as they could be. I do not feel I can safely assume they're living in matrimonial bliss until either Jeph says they are or we see it in the comic.


What if he was meant it?

Ursus Ridens

Uh, that's great, but there's a typo there... .... .... .... [reboot universe]


its the end, time to do porn and really rake in the Patreon dollars :D


I am _so_ disappointed not to find #cantilever trending on social media....

Mad Marie

Speaking structurally, would this be considered a cantilevered cliffhanger?


I'm so bad at proofreading it took like 5 tries to find the mistake there.


Didn't station send down pizza at one point?

Steve H

I’m picturing that Dora just hears the tail end of Hanners commands and thinks it’s because Hanners thinks no one read the newsletter and is just giving up.


I love the abort code!!