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NEVERMIND I NEED A NEW TITLE These progress reports will most likely take different forms depending on what I've spent that month working on- whether it's general concepts, character design, website work, etc. They're not going to contain anything I think would spoil the comic for folks, but I do hope to provide an interesting look behind the scenes as I develop this idea. The idea itself came to me on a long, solitary drive a couple years ago. Over the course of about two hours I figured out the entire "first draft" of the characters, setting, and so on. The original story was very dark, but as I've put more thought into it over the last six months or so it's gotten a little more comedic, which I think is a good thing. I'd be bummed out drawing something that was super serious 100% of the time. Right now I don't have any notes or outlines- the whole thing is living in my head, just like QC does. But that's probably going to change over the next couple months as I pull things into working order- this is a much more complex setting and story I have in mind, and as such it's going to take more work. I don't have a lot to offer this month, partly because we're still in the very early days, and partly because I honestly didn't expect to make that stretch goal! But in any case, now you at least know the comic's title. And I can tell you it doesn't take place in the QC universe, it isn't a romantic comedy with light sci-fi elements, and there are no robots in it. I'm aiming to update twice a week alongside QC, but I'm not going to commit to any set schedule until I have a few pages under my belt and know roughly how long they'll take to draw. Oh, and I've included a picture of the main character, Alice. Say hello, Alice.




Hi Alice! ;-)


can't wait to see it!


Looking forward to it, thanks for the update :)


Alice doesn't even know how much she's going to be loved... :)


Whaaa..... So excited!


I first scanned that as "Alice in Sudetenland". Which would probably be a slightly different story.


Are you intending for this to be ongoing, or is there a finite story arc you have planned? Looking forward to it in any case!

Scott Kenney

I presume it's a different Sunderland to Bryan Talbot's graphic novel of the same name?

Angie W

I love the look, but isn't there already a graphic novel with this name?


Oh, I'm so excited.

Paul Lenoue

Ooo! A girl with tools! I like her already.


Yep, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Sunderland" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Sunderland</a>


Whoops! I guess I'm changing the name! :O


can't tell you how much i'm looking forward to this Jeph


Looks like you've been spending more time with Danielle Corsetto ;)


Possible title ideas just from looking at the picture of Alice: Alice, Unluminated, Ignition Switch.

David Paul

Yeah, Don't want you getting a knock at the door from the feds or something... Nevertheless, hello Alice!

Jonas Richter

Nice, I'm looking forward to it. By the way, Bryan Talbot's "Alice in Sunderland" is really worthwhile.


Here's an easily adaptable title from a die-hard Lewis Carroll fan: [verbing] the Rabbit Hole. You can adapt it to your needs, for example if Alice is a coat check clerk (intentionally silly example) it could be "Tagging the Rabbit Hole". It could also use prepositions instead of the verb, for instance into, under, etc. Or if it doesn't matter which Alice book you base the title, you could make a variation on Through the Looking-Glass and what Alice Found There.


I think the mix of storyline development (serious interactions and important events) and some jokes as we know it from QC is really good, and would work just as well in a different setting without feeling too similar to QC. (Especially during strips 500 - 2000 QC had me laughing in tears every once in a while, some comebacks were just gold.) Just signed up today, mainly for the new comic (and to support Jeph of course). I'm really excited :) Also woo we made the $7k, I'm curious what the announced surprise will be.


*looks forward to next update*