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I've been reading the kind messages y'all have been posting here and I am really touched. Thank you, thank you so much for your support. It really means the world to me. :')



You're a dead set legend and I'm just happy that I can help dude.


Pretty soon, you're gonna be makin' real money. :) I've followed a lot of web comics over the years but yours is the only one that's on my daily checklist. Email, QC, then Fark (for the articles). Heck, you're my weekend notification. If there isn't a new comic, it must be Saturday.


Questionable Content is my first stop every weekday. I finally have a way to return something for the enjoyment you provide. I can't wait to see how this grows!


I've now been reading QC for about a decade--since I was 18. This comic is part of how I see the world and how I've turned into the kind of person I am. Monday through Friday, from college to grad school to baby to divorced to happy single working mom to wherever the heck else I'm going, QC is part of how I start my day. It is a relatively small but incredibly consistent and uniformly good thing in my world. It keeps being a good thing, so I will happily keep supporting it in whatever ways I can manage. :)


yay! it's so awesome to be able to directly support awesomeness such as your awesome self.


Dude, you deserve it :)


Thanks mate for all your hard work and effort! This comic has been a staple of my weekly grind for the last eight or nine years. Grateful for what you have done!


I read a lot of webcomics, but yours has consistently been one of my top 3 favorites for years and years. Your writing is so funny and thoughtful. I can't tell you how excited I was over Claire coming out to Martin—I'm FTM, and it has been SO touching to see a trans character written with the level of respect and complexity you've given her. Thank you for everything you do. I can't tell you how excited I am that you have a Patreon account now and I can fund the comic a little every month. :)


Nice to see that your Patreon has taken off like a wild fire. Wouldn't expect anything less with the great comics you keep putting out. Always a highlight to my weekday.


People have already said all the things that apply to me, repetition is boring, so "HOLY F***ING C**P, YOU ARE SO C**K B**LS SUCKINGLY AWESOME!" Oh wait, yelling bird doesn't say nice things. OH WELL! Must be his cousin, Screaming Lemur. Thanks for everything you do Jeph *thumbs up*

David Paul

Jeph, it is us who should be thanking you! You've provided us an awesome comic strip for over 10 years now (coming up to 11 now, ain't it?), even when things had been rough in your personal life. We support you now because 1) you're worth it, and 2) you've provided us a platform to do so which is affordable to practically anyone.


Frankly, this is the least I can do for you. QC has gotten me through some rough times. It is one of the reasons that I am still around, you and your work saved me when I was on the brink. So thank YOU!


Jeph, I'm so glad you started this Patreon because I've always wanted to give something back for all the joy and insight QC gives me. I've been a reader for 8 years and I hope that there's 8 more to come. You're the best. Thanks.


So pleased that you're doing this! I have wanted to figure out some way to support you, but . . . well, haven't gotten around to ordering things. This seems to be easy, and I love how low-key you've made it. Plus, at the base level, we get a picture of Shelby to say "Thank you"!

Guy Edwards

Thank you, thank you....supported Deathmole and now this. I mark my week by your new releases. When I travel across the States I sneakily try to get access early the night before. I had the enormous pleasure of coming in about three years late and got to gorge....however that spoilt me...now with PDF I can relive again. You have got me through some hard times and made me cry in Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Kuwait and now here in the USA. Thank you so very m8ch


I didn't even realize you had Patreon until now. I feel bad that I didn't get in here first :p . Keep up the good work!

Kate Caron

Thank YOU! We will see you at Gencon!