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Joel Bateman

Why is Beeps so precious.

Nicholas Lopez

I dunno why but that tube top looks cute as fuck on her.


bubbles in cutoffs red alert

Michael Boettger

Ever had a kitten or a puppy just follow you home? That's Beeps, right there. And Hi Marten, Hi Bubbles.


There is... a pattern.

Alex Mullenix

This is absolutely something I would do


Did they just adopt another friend?


Ok, in her defense, she was paying attention to Claire the time.


Walk right in, sit right down, baby let your hair hang down…

Fart Captor

For once it's not Marten bringing home strays :3


"Beeps and Bubbles" would be an amazing name for a band... Or an even heavier-duty bespoke sex toy outlet.




She’s hardwired to /follow and /assist


"Claire Smirk" is now a thing. Cool.

Yonatan Zunger

I'm guessing this is the point that Beeps remembers that she was actually supposed to be at work this whole time. :)


Hi Bubbles, hi Marten


Oh beeps.


The comic timing here is impeccable.


I wonder what happened to Claire’s nose ring?


Well, it's rude to walk away from a conversation.


Maybe took it out for the interview? Or doesn't sleep with it in? She was in a hurry this morning

Jim Feldman

Martin shaped dent in that end of the sofa


Those expressions in the last panel are just amazing.

Jim Feldman

Just me, or has Jeph been drawing Beeps hotter?

Dylan T

Beeps with that nat 1 perception

Shawn K. Younkin

"Look Marten, she followed me home! Can we keep her??"

Shawn K. Younkin

She is still working, it's not like the tour "had" to end at the exit of the dildo factory.


Claire brought home a gift: a new friend.

Yelling Bird



I think Faye & Bubbles are going to be very interested in the kind of machinery the dildo factory uses.

Alacrity Fitzhugh

Isn't that apartment getting a bit crowded? (Or at least with regards to charging outlets...)

Merle Blue

Side note to all of this, I am very used to Beepatrice being cute. I am NOT used to her being downright attractive.

Brad Kirkwood

nah they only have two live-in robots, guests just have to fight over the socket in the bathroom (I assume if pintsize wasn't already relegated to the kitchen he will be now that he has a real-boy body)

Rachel Avila

This is so damn cute, I love it :)

William Cole

Let me see if I can get the QC housing arrangements straight: Building 1: Marten/Claire, Faye/Bubbles, & Pintsize; Hannelore & Winston; the "Juicy" girl. Building 2: Elliot & Hercules; Roko; Melon (& Arthur?); Yay Building 3: Renee & Brun; Beeps; Millefeuille. Building 4: Dale & May Building 5: Marigold & Momo (as far as I can remember, Dale and Marigold still aren't officially cohabitating, although they clearly spend most of their time together). Building 6: Sven Building 7: Penelope/Will Building 8: Steve/Cosette (Might be a house? I recall Steve's front door opening to the outside when he got recruited by the CIA. Cosette might still officially live on campus.) Building 9: Willow, Iris & Yemisi House 1: Jim/Veronica, Sam House 2: Aurelia (sometimes Clinton, but I assume he still lives on campus during the school year) Amherst: Dora/Tai Did I miss anyone?

Chris Heg

And you might ask yourself Well, how did I get here?


Robot or not, Beeps is hot.


I thought Marigold and crew lived in the same building as Marten and crew, or did I miss a moving day?

Hugh Eckert

Beeps is just adorable.


I love Claire's smile in the last panel

Shane Wegner

I have a pet hypothesis that the AI density of Boston is way, WAY higher than other cities, because they're unconsciously attracted to being around Hannelore. Presumably they're kind of rare in ordinary cities due to price of chassis and some limits on how quickly new AIs can be raised in creches. Marten's kind of like "yet ANOTHER random AI is visiting? Yellow this time? Eh I assume this is an ordinary experience."

Bruce Steinberg

Northampton is not exactly a suburb of Boston though. Your theory would work better with the bustling metropolis of Springfield.

Ben Russell-Gough

Here's hoping that Beepatrice has a GPS app or she's going to have some problems getting home.


Is last panel Claire-face in the top 10 of Claire-faces? I think it might be.


Is Bubbles just annoyed at the visitor, or does she and Beeps have history? I don't recall anything.


Those damn escort missions get you every time!

Dean Reilly

Marten's pretty skinny, it would be more of a divot than a dent.

Joseph Bonnar

Love this, but I am STILL waiting for Melon to make an entrance. Through the ceiling.


yessss merge the friend groups do it....

David Durant

When did someone last update the relationships diagram? I fear that it might be so dense now it may collapse into a black hole :-D.


"Oh lord, we've adopted another one." https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2298


Ha. Smug Claire moment. ^_^


At this point everyone in this comic should just pool their money and buy a big apartment building they can all live in.


Jeph is bringing the groups closer together, yay

Jim Feldman

Didn't Emily do a lot of "wandering" too?

Darnel D Cooper

....... It must be a design feature that is shared By Melon, Beeps and (ugh,.. showing my age,.. forgot the yellow ones name,...)

Tim Keating

Lemon! That's the most obvious one! :-D


The plot lines! They're converging!

Darnel D Cooper



Zee plot linez! Zey are convergink! - There, I fixed it for you. Now you'll be at home reciting that dialogue at any showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Melon-flavoured OH YEAH!


That smirk on Claire’s face is one of the most perfectly drawn facial expressions I have ever seen - and I’m old enough to have seen the Mona Lisa when you could look at it through one thin pane of glass from 3 feet away …