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He's not wrong



Fart Captor

This is so friggin' sweet I can't take it 😭

Peter McDevitt

Plus I don't think they can just stick him in a corner at night to recharge anymore. ...ok, they CAN but they probably shouldn't.


Not at all opposed to this development, but it does feel like some kind of turning point in the comic. Like the end of the chaos-Pintsize era.


Awe lil pintsize is growing up 🥰

Michael Boettger

Faye may literally tear nu-pintsize a new one. Bubbles would merely express her disappointment. Which might be worse.

red sands

the mention of the military grade previous body reminded me of when pint size got a laser? Or am I remembering something that didn't happen.


Its always good to understand your limits.


Military grade means built to the lowest cost that meets whatever standards the military wanted. Definitely not necessarily heavy duty/tough!


He. Is. SO CUTE in his new body. I wanna snuggle this chaotic cinnamon roll.


Didn't he hock the military grade chassis?

Michael Boettger

And Claire is damm wonderful in this arc. She's bringing her own life experiences to help Pintsize, and I. Feeling a little choked up.




I agree, but I would argue that turn began a very long time ago, and the comic is merely making it official


Marigold said that they could make good money if they sold his military body.


He had a laser near the beginning of the comic, but the military came and took it I believe


Pint-size is getting..... character development.....my brain....


I'm not going to mourn for the chaos goblin we've lost, but instead I'll celebrate the fun that was pintsize in the early days of QC.... Don't get me wrong: that fun got old eventually and I don't want it back.


Pintsize somehow got cuter.


I <3 panel 4. Marshall McLuhan would totally understand, I think.

Rob McBobson

Seems like this is turning out to be a redesign of Pintsize, both concerning characterization and look. Basically, he's becoming a new character from before.

Seth Aaron Hershman has they she pronouns

"I'm <i>pretty sure</i> I'm just an asshole who enjoys transgressing boundaries. But what if? Could I have suppressed my own fear of vulnerability so thoroughly that I'm no longer even aware of it?"

Orion Rhine

So that's why Faye and Bubbles work together so well, Bubbles has a military grade body.

Will Weaver

This is incredibly wholesome.

Adam Friedlander

Oh, Pintsize. Nothing could survive a FULLY enraged Faye.


I'm going to miss the old pintsize. He was so outrageous.


I'm sorry, military grade?!?!?! The hell, Pint-size! Actually given the shenanigans he was up too I would imagine he needed the body like that. How long till he upgrades this current one with blastproof casings or what ever?


no, he surrendered the military grade weapon (a laser) in his chassis. i don't think military engineers just slap a gun to a civ chassis and call it a day, the rest of it was probably built up to spec for whatever tolerances they decided were necessary.


There was a whole arc about his mil-grade chassis


"We all change, when you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives. And that's okay, that's good, you've got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be." I think it's clear Pintsize is still Pintsize, just less of a chaotic jerk than he was. He won't forget who he was.


💖💜💓💕❤️❣️ Yay personal growth for Pintsize!


“Durable to 1 on the enraged-faye scale” is a good selling point!


I think Bubbles &amp; Crushbot could, but little else. :D

Yelling Bird



Wow. End of an era. Looking forward to seeing what new adventures are in store!


Hero loses chaos invulnerability!

Darnel D Cooper

Hmmmn. Will he change his name?

Thomas Halpin

Interesting to think that by choosing to inhabit a human-shaped container, Pintsize might also force himself to act more humane.

Hugh Eckert

Panel 4: Claire says what I have been thinking since this arc started. Claire is wise.

Sleepy John

I think that if Roko and Pintsize (quartsize?) run into each other at the AI Dysphoria Support Group, there's going to be lubricant spilled.

Frank Wales

Of course, there is much more room for pigeons and birdseed in that chassis. Or perhaps a family of tiny eagles.


Whatever happened to his buddy, the open source one with the heatsink neckbeard?

Ian Dunbar

Probably ended up in whatever place Sara went off to. Which is to say, probably eaten by an allosaurus


Pintsize's old body was *military grade*!? I have so many questions.

JPMK! {verb}

Maybe he can switch bodies now that he has both of them at his disposal. Go back to military goblinoid when he wants to survive a ruckus, the new human body for otherwise living between those moments.


Everyone *immediately* duck'n'covers when they see the little robot man chassis. Even Bubbles.


Claire is probably the only person Pintsize would’ve opened up to. I wouldn’t be surprised if he continues being a (toned-down) chaos goblin to everyone else to keep up appearances.


I love seeing Pintsize be so vulnerable. Of course, he's only vulnerable to a Faye-splosion, but still...


This was exactly what he feared with switching to a larger body

Julie Chan

I love this comic So. Much. &lt;3 &lt;3


The slightly mechanical, slightly high-pitched internal voice I used for Pintsize is gone. Not sure what voice I’m hearing now.

Simon Green

You laugh but a friend of mine once went away for 7-10 years after being charged with assault with a battery.

Shane Wegner

As awful as it would be, I kind of want to see some toxic level, self-righteous anti-AI types. I feel like there would be some crossover between “fuck no I won’t wear a mask” and “AIs are soulless mannequins that can move. You can’t murder them them because they’re not alive, it’s like scrapping a toaster or uninstalling Siri, duh. Plus they’re stealing our Jaerbs and buying up stocks that should rightfully belong to humans. Humans First!” Hateful, racist behavior that thinks it’s being honest and right adds believability and pepper to any fiction.

Shane Wegner

Maybe from squeaky to a high tenor? Or something like Iago from Aladdin.

Shane Wegner

I feel like the Artilect class super AIs know this kind of thing happens all the time and is why they encourage AIs symbiotically living and growing up with humanity instead of just pulling the whole old AI-dom into space on some sort of arcship and leaving. That’s probably their final contingency for things going really south with humanity as a last resort, but optimistic outcomes include this mutually beneficial synergy.


Yeah, except that, uhhh sucks. I get enough of that in daily life and in other fiction. I don't need it in my gay robots comic that I read to enjoy and have fun and maybe some light drama with.

Joseph Bonnar

Common sense? FROM PINTSIZE? What horror is THIS?


Something I don't remember being addressed in the QC-verse is how the AI mind is stored. I know the rise of AI isn't fully understood, but is there some AI self-created positronic brain that can not be duplicated? The reason I ask is that so far we've only seen AI minds transferred from old body to new, leveling up their physical abilities in the process. But if AI is just bits on a block device, could it not be copied? It sounds like a very Pintsize thing to do to keep a copy of oneself in the military grade chassis as a mischievous sidekick, sharing the robo-endorphins over Wi-Fi to compensate for digit-envy, waltzing around town singing "Me and my shadow." Dr. Evil kind of did it already, but this seems like it has more potential for storytelling.

Joseph Bonnar

Andrew, I agree. Very well said. I loved the earlier strips, but this is a much more mature work and I am just enjoying it far too much.

Forrest Taylor

In the QC universe, I think such a thing has never been acknowledged to be possible. AI is somewhat limited, possibly by the designs of the Dolphin AI. It has neither been confirmed as part of that or disconfirmed.


Better than plot.. much-needed character development...


This is a slice of life comic. The character development IS the plot.


Wait so somewhere in QC world there an army of Pintsize's old chassis somewhere out there? I should do another re-read from the beginning, also bc I don't remember the origin story for Pintsize, if there is any.




And what's so great is that he opens up to Claire, rather than being the "chaos goblin" he is to everyone else. I love that about her, and I wonder if she's missing a calling....

David Durant

The character development is great (although I've no idea how he afforded his new body). That said, Pintsize has gone several strips now without mentioning any kind of revolting porn so how can we be sure it's even the same person? :-p


His body looks a bit *different*. My head cannon atm has Faybles having built his body out of spare parts lying around...

Stephen Wells

I like the implication that one can calibrate to a partially enraged Faye.

Tim Williams

so Claire's new job will not be as a librarian, nor replacing May at the Stop&amp;Shop, but AI Counselor

William Cole

It's been mentioned that some AIs rent out processor time for income. (It was mentioned specifically in contrast with May, who, as a felon, is barred from doing this.)


Ooh, and part-time librarian for the nonprofit center that Roko &amp; Beeps works at! (Every nonprofit needs a researcher, trust me.)

David Howe

Its a complex calibration system. The fact that main battle tanks wouldn't survive an enraged bubbles makes the high end a bit flat though.


Pintsize in panel three is SO CUTE 😍

Mr. Ifrit

I always thought Pintsize would sound like Claptrap from Borderlands...but now I’m not so sure...what would Pintsize voice sound like?


75% Gilbert Gottfried, 25% Starscream.


i keep coming back to look at pintsize in panel 3. what an absolute cutie.


I liked the skinny tie / hot pants combo ... although I guess pintsize is t really a “tie” guy for every day.