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probably a thing, yeah



Erin Moriarty

Damn, I should have been making abacustube videos all this time...

Grace Kieser

Marigold is too pure for this world! And that's saying something for an internet denizen!

Stéphane Lapie

In Japan, there IS a niche group of abacus lovers. Pretty sure it could be a thing > abacustube


I mean she would probably satisfy a very non-trivial niche... the masochistic kind...

Dylan T

I mean May could play flight simulators?


Definitely a thing

Michael Boettger

Marigold is an absolute angel. Taking May's sass and offering her help. And May's response is classic May.


http://imgur.com/a/7jw0FJr I googled it. Wasn't surprised.


You know, in a world with post-singularity AIs, I can totally see AbacusTube being a popular thing, probably along the same lines as slow culture here in meatspace.


Abacus + sliderule... and with the right ones, I'm sure you could work ASMR in there, too.

Dean Reilly

May later makes a fortune from her series of YouTube videos on how to balance a chequebook.

Grace Kieser

Airforceproud95 is basically the male version of May. His Flight Sim videos are quite entertaining and irreverent!

Ted Van Roekel

With the new chassis, May could set up an OnlyFans easy enough.

Shawn K. Younkin

Kill her w/ kindness Marigold, never stop being you!!

Grace Kieser

He's a spreadsheet wizard, though. Abacus programming seems more like a Steve Mould thing!

Greg Matyola

abacusTube… it all adds up.


Oh it’s definitely a thing. The first video from a search was a 2019 global abacus championship for children in California from the United Abacus Arithmetic Association. I’m not making this up.


I never before realized how much I'm like May.


There is now renewed interest in the astrolabe, so why not.


r/abacus is a private subreddit. Some shit must have gone down


Woman says, "I'd rather balance a checkbook with an abacus than perform for internet randos." Internet Randos say, "she should get an OnlyFans account!"


May: Tries to screw with Marigold. Marigold: Well, here's how to do it. May: WellThatBackfired.jpg.


I looked up abacus fans on youtube and found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJL0gZtxxYo so... yes


It gets really bad when you slip into the dark hole that is excel spreadsheet YouTube which then leads to forbidden abode creative cloud YouTube videos.

Joseph Bonnar

Hannelore is probably behind the counter, hyperventilating, breathing in her paper bag. :)


Abacus & Sliderule cultures are basically a circle Venn Diagram


Yup, that’s the one YouTube recommended first to me.


It’s what, Rule 34? If it exists there’s porn of it on the internet?


Oh, *please* do. As a (slightly oddball) child, I used to loved playing with a toy abacus in which nobody else had any interest.

Matt Grayson

I got two pocket slide rules as Bar Mitzvah presents. I have my fathers K+E and his circular slide rule. Never cared for the abacus.


marigold's face in the last panel is gold


Then there was the r/sliderule3.14 subreddit, but after that one guy got caught with a circular slide rule, the Feds ended up getting involved

Dan Curtis

Marigold is a sweet heart


Jeebus May’s new body is huge. In many ways.


There IS a whole abacus subculture - literally now-adult Montessori school kids.


That last frame... I think Marigold knows she just owned May.


Bought a full sized business soroban, taught myself to use it, and worked through a bunch of long addition problems. Simple enough, but I've had no reason to use it since. Pro-tip: they are harder to use left-handed because you work from the highest value column down and your left-hand covers the previous columns. It's all pattern recognition so you really need to see the pattern you just created. Right hand, no problem.


So here's my question To you pluralize abacus as abaci or abacuses?


Put forth effort!? No, no I think not! Good day sir!

Simon Green

Oh baby slide that bead on over ... yeah, all of them, just like that. Your hundreds row is [eggplant emoji] [water doplets emoji]


This book on the soroban ( Japanese abacus ) seemed to work for me - https://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Abacus-Theory-Takashi-Kojima-ebook/dp/B00CST3NLY/ref=sr_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=soroban+book&qid=1621217285&sr=8-12

Alan Wiggs

AbacusTube is cottagecore but for math


I really loved that one of the first things she did in her new body was go see if she was taller than Bubbles.

Carl Fink

Is there any reason you can't just rotate the abacus 180 degrees before you use it leftie?


Don't know about abacus, but there's definitely a community about slide rules. I own 3 of them, all vintage.


mmm, baby. I love the motion of your heavenly beads. Oh god, complement those tens!


May is absolutely going to rule as Marigold’s manager, isn’t she?


"Well, piss" <3

Clifton Royston

Thinking back, Marigold's had quite a journey as a person. Her story hasn't had the same limelight as Faye and Bubbles or Hannelore's, but she's sure grown in a lot of ways. She comes off now as someone who really knows who she is.


Wholesome Marigold defeats sassy May.

William Cole

Last panel is 1000% May!


I was once abacosted by a snake. I think it was an adder. (It had beady eyes.)

Chase the Dragon

May needs to start an onlyfans and manyvids.


May is not sure if she wishes to seize the means of production.

will davison

I’ve met the slide rule people, so abacus subculture’s not too much a stretch. (Also, thank you for Marigold faces in panels 3, 4)

Thomas A. Dennis

Apron May (Maypron?) could rule OnlyFans.

Samuel Fout

.. I'd subscribe to abacustube.


Let's split the difference - give May a semi regular segment on the show where she goes on rants insulting whatever caught her interest that day. she keeps the proceeding for those episodes. She'll be a fighter jet before the year is over

Ashley Thomas

i think this trust could do a lot for mays self esteem.


I think you mean "hired" - didn't we abolish owning people?

Emma Humphries

I expect May to flip flop on this until she accumulates enough to decide to increment on the idea.

Bruce Steinberg

Given her recent demeanor, I’d guess she’s passed out in the basement with the spiders.

Darnel D Cooper

I found this fairly satisfying for some reason,.... May emoting, Marigold embracing, each one saying I like you in their own ways. The comments took me back to my full nerd days,... thank you. And Yes,.... I think May has grown past being a fighter jet, and Marigold has dumped a buttload of her insecurities. The only way their family grouping gets better would be Momo finding love w/o frying someone, or Dale popping the question. (Unlikely, everyone seems content.)


Panel 2 May is so 100% pure and wholesome. Not only does Marigold extend trust - May accepts it.

Yelling Bird



People would fight each other just to get in line to simp for May.


If it bit you, it would have confirmed its identity as a subtracter.

Comics Ladybird

I hear abacuses do have their benefits if you’re going to have to enter everything by hand anyway (e.g. the point of sale terminal with integrated code bar reader is out of commission)… but for someone like May who likely has access to means of computations without such an input bottleneck, using an abacus is akin to cutting an onion with a knife when you’ve got a mandoline at your disposal: pointless drudgery.


I'm sure she has an electronic equivalent of an abacus somewhere...


There are in fact a lot of videos on YouTube about how to use an abacus, according to a search I just did.


I read "give May a semi" and my brain made it "give May a semi-transparent apron".

Nicolas Demers

Though remember that these human-scale AIs don't really think faster than humans. There are a lot of things they can do faster / better, but their consciousness is on a par with ours. (Station, or Yay, that's a whole different kettle of fish) And it looks like they're happy to do human things, like working and owning forks and getting drunk. So I bet a lot of them would love AbacusTube because it's cool, not just because it's low-tech

Daryl Sawyer

Wait, so how long has May been rocking the "topless apron" look as outdoor wear?