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I was laughing the entire time I drew this




me too, Marigold, me too


Imagine lying that your vtuber cash was coming from onlyfans


I love how supportive Dora is.


I mean there's precedent for this on the patreon

Grace Kieser

If this leads to Marigold having an OnlyFans, I'm all for it!


I want “My brain is trash I live on the internet” on my headstone

Lana Del Prey

I mean that would probably also be a lucrative career choice for her.


OMG I LOVE IT Edit: Thank you for all of the people who helped me change my Patreon display name away from my deadname. To those curious, the consensus seems to be that you have those setting options in the browser/website version and not at all ever in the app version.

Dylan T

I mean Marigold would probably actually make *more* money that way tbh

Adam Friedlander

Marigold's explanation is 💯 Also: Tired: QC character Twitters Wired: QC character OnlyFans


I wouldn't be surprised if Tai and Dora at least briefly consider trying to find Mari's nudes


I mean, we all got excited when Jeph shared a nude of her...


Funny and yet entirely in character: Hanners blurting out that Marigold is making bank after concealing her family’s wealth.


"My mind is trash and I live on the internet" I need that on a poster. On a shirt. On a notebook cover. On a mug. I just need it everywhere.


All I can say is.. tiddy


Yeesh. This is the first time I’ve commented on a Patreon thing and realized my deadname appears. Anyone know how to change that? I’ve only used Patreon on my iPhone but I will go to several lengths to change this.


You know, Hanners really shouldn't have been so quick to out Marigold for having money. Regardless of how you make it, lots of people don't like everyone to know that they're well off.

Melissa Smits

P.S. I love how much joy you get from your own work. I've only been with these characters since about 2006 or 2007, and it's been so cool to see the comic develop with every year. Still re-read the archive now and again!




Yeah, but that probably doesn't occur to hanners given her background.

Captain Button

[Picturing Marigold pictures in a magical girl mid-transformation scene...]

Yonatan Zunger

Not sure who I love more in this strip: Marigold or Dora.


The trouble with cover stories is people check them. PintSize will call that bluff pretty quickly!


Assuming she's not using her real name, which basically nobody who sell nudes does, it's not at all easy to find a specific person's nudes online.


Is this rule 32 3/4 now?


"Cover Story"? More like "Uncovered Story".

Morgan Byrd

Marigold, just like all of us, can’t quit Twitter.


My new motto


Do you not know about the nude Marigold that's somewhere around here?


I may have to borrow Marigold's line here.

Shawn K. Younkin

Yeah... Dora is SO going to look for those pics!!


I legit did a spit-take all over my monitor on the last frame. Well done.


i mean, she could've been like "i stream, but i wanna keep it a secret so people don't bother me about it."

Anthony Gaglianese

I mean....having seen what those curves look like, can 100% believe a following like that would be possible for her


Aurelia strikes me as someone who has already done a lot, rarely gets embarrassed, and uses her experience as a way to temper any fears or expectations. Marigold doesn’t have that even though her bank is richer than Aurelia’s bank.


It's good character development that Marigold has a positive enough self image now that selling nudes seems like a believable excuse.


Get back to working on that financial plan, Marigold. This is important. Focus!


SKULLMASTER was framed! SKULLMASTER was hung! How did SLULLMASTER wind up on the wall? Did I miss something?

Darnel D Cooper

"It's okay,.... that's what they are for". ......................... Marigold.


Honestly? There are a LOT of nudes on the internet. a LOT. With Burger Oni, she's making something new and special (and interactive).

Michael Boettger

Oh, I believe that's been there for a long time, possibly even before the rise of Skullmaster.


I mean, that’s why I subbed to the Patreon.


I was laughing the entire time I read this. :)

Yelling Bird



Naughty Hanners, none of that was your information to share! Consent!!

Shawn K. Younkin

If you die from masturbation, it's because you are WEAK!!! JERK OFF MORE TO BUILD RESISTENCE!!

Chase the Dragon

When Marigold Nudes!? 'scratch that' WHEN EVERYONE NUDES?! JEPH!? 'not including the kids obviously'

Daniel S

Marigold's brain: Play dumb! Marigold: I'm selling nudes! Marigold's brain: Not that dumb!


He already posted Marigold nude. Search the comments here and you'll find the link.


It's the perfect cover... until Dora blabs.


This reminds me of https://www.dumbingofage.com/2013/comic/book-3/01-if-the-shoes-split/wearing-2/.


Sorry Hanners, you'll have to maintain that cover story now

Some Ed

It doesn't take a particularly positive self image to make such a claim. If you're panicked, you can say the first thing to come mind that's not the real thing without giving it any plausibility evaluation. Also, she didn't actually say she was selling nudes of herself online. We know she's an artist, so she could be claiming to simply draw pics of naked creatures and selling those pics online. Or she be claiming to sell nudes of other people online. Since the nudes claim is false, she could even be claiming to have installed a camera in Hannalore place and be selling nudes of Hannalore online.

Shane Wegner

The struggle is real. I've got stories of streamers getting death threats. I know a streamer who qualified for an offshoot of the witness protection program because one of her fans went so rabid about how she "belonged with him" or whatever and was getting IRL about it. The best 99.9% of fans are no problem, but with a big enough audience, there's still the worst .1%

Thomas Halpin

I too have a garbage brain and live on the internet. I can relate.

Bacon Lord

Considering we all paid money to see Marigold nude yeah she's telling the truth huh who'd a thunk

Ben Russell-Gough

Just another reason why all browsers should show a "Warning! Toxic Materials" warning when starting up.


I need a shirt that says “my brain is trash and I live on the internet”

Lenore J Jones

Yeah, it's common all over the internet, particularly with women, especially women of color. I just read about a woman, a D.Pharm., who has been countering medical misinformation on TikTok. She has an enormous number of followers now, and sure enough, has attracted huge numbers of trolls. She gets like 100 rape and death threats a *day*, 4chan is involved, and she's been doxxed. It's awful.

Comics Ladybird

You know, when the audience is Dora (who is known to admire and respect Veronica for instance, among other examples of general chill with regard to sex work), that’s not a bad cover story at all.


well, Marigold should have prepared Hanners for that one and now we need the cover story reinforced. we all need to see a sample of her work (preferably the cover story!)

Chris Crowther

I mean, she could probably have a pretty good side line in selling nudes.

Kyle Rudy

Rumor has it this is the very same cover story Jeph told once that sweet, sweet patreon money started rolling in. Can't let the neighbors know you're in webcomics, after all.

Sleepy John

Has anyone noticed that Marigold gets flustered kind of easily?

Sleepy John

With all the superheroes that need a secret identity, you’d think someone would have come up with this before.


I guess we finally know how she paid for Momo's new chassis.


Oh yeah, that never crossed my mind. Marigold is like the robot angel.


wait, what? don't remember seeing Marigold nude. just Roko & Beeps.


I mean… technically speaking, we all have bought a Marigold nude 👀

Bacon Lord

Millefeuille https://www.patreon.com/posts/31867095 Roko https://www.patreon.com/posts/27628096 Beeps has no nudes... yet


is it bad that I've spent the last 20 minutes trying to find it again? Only to find that one of the other comments had it posted. https://www.patreon.com/posts/39365493