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So close Tai 😂😂😬😬


That... was a remarkably mature response from Dora.


Tai you are failing to properly rep the people of library science.


Hannelore AND Momo.

Grace Kieser

I'm pretty sure her degree is liberal arts. She just works at the library.


Yes! Bring in Hanners!

Peter McDevitt

so uh; did she ever PURSUE that 'anti-anxiety' medication option? just a thought...

Dylan T

Oh man i forgot how like meticulous Dora was. I am *definitely* Tai in this situation. I cannot do that many decisions

Katrina Urmson

The discussion is happening well. Beyond that, I gotta say I relate more to Tai here.


This.... This is pretty much exactly how planning my wedding went.


"I am a control freak who needs everything done right but also I need you to do your half" isn't the hardest partner to have, but Dora definitely cracks the top ten.

Alex Kosnett

Would love to know how she sources beans, etc. for CoD. “These farmer cooperatives produce high quality beans and compensate farmers and their communities well, but their export volumes vary 25% year to year and prices fluctuate. Historically, their beans are best in pour overs, which give us a better per-cup ROI…”


And maybe Yay too with the possible quantum mechanics that spreadsheet entails.


Given that I have a custom spreadsheet to manage my bills, and make spreadsheets for a lot of the games I play, this would totally be how I would organise an invite list for a wedding.


Tai's "I swear to god I am not trying to be lazy here I am just freaking out and have no idea how to do this" vibe is extremely me.


This is a woman who managed to get a business off of the ground in her twenties and has kept it going ever since, that's pretty impressive.


Ohh, so Tai is the stereotypical dude gender role here. I wonder how much Tai ought to be expected to help on something she has no interest nor skill in. Can't she help ease Dora's load some other way? Like pick up more cooking or cleaning or paperwork while Dora takes the majority of wedding planning details?


Very very soon, Dora will realise how useless of this is in the grand scheme of things and it will hit her like a sack of Spider Coffee

Philip Freeman

Dora's a pretty savvy sort, and had Hanalore working for her, so she's surely either Dora.xlsx or .ods Or (sudder) .numbers


I have hundreds of pages of notes for games I play strictly for fun. In my defense, there's a lot of nested bulleting!


I can't imagine taking a wedding that seriously.


Hannelore as a Wedding planner would be like Hench (book) meets Cupcake Wars. Into it.


Marriage, yes! Wedding, no. Get a nice venue, some loved ones, great food, my SO, & I'm good. But then, society's given me a very different message about weddings than women get.



Ardent Slacker

She knows who'll have the best bean for the buck next year, before they're planted. And it's usually spiderbros inc.


I do this for everything but then I'm a teacher so I spend even more time once I've completely gone obsessional streamlining it again. Mostly.


Nobody should get married without a Spreadsheet of Honor!


Tai, didn't you work in a library? You should be at least better than average at organizing.

Joseph Bonnar

No, her job in the library consisted of making sure that her aids were qualified and then getting high. :)

Joseph Bonnar

THIS is why I support eloping.

Samantha Yeaman

Clearly Tai is already engaged, hence the wedding. :P


Hannelore might be ... TOO helpful.

Jackie Horn

Hanners would love it.

David Durant

OMG - I think you might have just coined the new nickname for my wife ;-D


I have never connected with anyone more strongly than I’ve connected with Dora in this one comic.

Adam Abbott

Dora is a serif. Tai is a dingbat. See, it's not hard!

Jim Feldman

Hannalore creates a wedding planner AI

Yelling Bird


Todd Ellner

The more I see of this the more I like how we did our wedding. Rented a local pub for Saturday morning and got let in a couple hours before the ceremony. Put out the food and decorations. Had the ceremony. The band that was setting up for 1PM did a couple numbers for us because they were sentimental. Had lunch. Packed up the leftovers and went home. Ate catfish, ribs, baba ganoush, hummus, and tabbouleh for a couple weeks because not everyone showed up. Total cost *mumble* years ago under $2000. Very little stress


there is still a strong chance that this is exactly what will happen... Or Marten's Dad and his husband will come swooping in and save the day!


Awww I'm glad they're communicating ❤️


I'm so happy to see how this is going. Tai really is doing her best, and she and Dora are both trying really hard to meet each other where they need to be.


aaand just like that, I feel reconnected with Dora. Thanks, Jeph.

John Stracke

I did something like the “likely to accept” column when I got married. I made an XML document that listed my various guests, with the number of people that’d come with them, and tagged each one with the probability they’d attend. Then I wrote a CGI script to take that file and generate a list of people and the expected total who’d show up. When someone accepted, I set their probability to 100%; when someone declined, I set it to 0. My initial total prediction was maybe 3 off from the final number. I know my relatives.


yessssss play to your strengths


They're trying. Yay trying!

Eric Sieck

I kind of hate the idea that they're sending save the dates to people who won't get invited. That seems *incredibly* shitty.

Magic Beans

I can sympathize with Dora through the first few panels. Picking out cakes and fonts can be overwhelming. But I don’t get the politics of wedding invitations. Around here we say when the wedding’s happening and whoever wants to show will show. And dress codes are soft suggestions at best.


I mean it's good that they're communicating but if my husband had said he was "helping me" with our wedding, I'd have a hard time not wondering if he just said yes because I asked, not because he actually wanted to. In reality, we worked on our whole wedding together- the only thing we didn't both contribute to was my dress. the result was a blending of the two of us and not someone just... "helping" the other. A wedding is a big investment- not necessarily of money, but of time and effort! If both people aren't super into it, then why do it at all?


They’re not. They’re sending announcements. An announcement is sent after the wedding, and is a very traditional way of saying “hey, we got married. Here are our new names and/ or addresses, if any.” A “save-the-date” is a modern innovation to help people plan ahead in these days of long engagements and far-flung affiliation networks.


What do you do if you end up with more attendees than you have chairs?

Captain Button

Re Tai's librarian skills, wasn't there something about how she has compromising photos of some Smif administrators doing it on the copy machine or something?

Captain Button

I may have been thinking of Marten and Dora: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1133

Shane Wegner

I'm with Tai on this one. Turning this into a United Nations situation with Her Majesty's Order of Precedence and modified Robert's Rules of Order would be like death to me. I guess if my job was to smile and nod just so Dora didn't feel alone on the couch or whatever, I could handle that much.


Healthy communication, we love to see it


I just went to my cousin's wedding, and the RSVP choices were "You have my sword, bow, & axe" and "One does not simply attend a wedding". Why yes, my cousin is a huge nerd. Why do you ask? The invitation card itself opened outwards from the middle instead of being a normal card, so that it could have the Doors of Durin printed on it.

Ben Russell-Gough

So, how Momo got a second job as a wedding planner?


My fiancé asked me the same thing. I then became more attentive and involved. It was a mistake. I definitely didn’t get the China pattern I liked and did get two weeks in the doghouse.


Oh no, healthy communication patterns, my biggest weakness <3<3<3

Ulrik Bøe

Because one person is super into it and the other person loves them and wants to make them happy?


Asking Hannelore for input is a smart move.

Comics Ladybird

Dora, are you sure it’s a good idea to oversubscribe your wedding invite list? Better to have an internal waiting list which you use every time you receive a decline response; you do have to be careful to allow for the invitation-response roundtrips to be actually able to take place sufficiently in advance, and it might be worth having a “last resort waiting list” of people who you know can answer on short notice (locals, typically), but at least you won’t risk the equivalent of bumping people off to another flight…

Comics Ladybird

It is possible I have though about this too much in the context of vaccination scheduling…


**flashbacks to planning my own gigantic wedding** The being married part is awesome, and the party was great, but you couldn't pay me millions to do it again. Wedding planners deserve every goddamn penny.


if you want to have this much control over the process, it's not really fair to demand high involvement from someone else.


Good talk


We did a small wedding, but Dora's planning, accounting for declined invitations, feels big. The hard part in having a small wedding is keeping your foot down with having a small number of invitations, because if everyone had their way you'd have over a hundred people and no time to have fun.We had a small ceremony of about 25 people, which is essentially parents, brother/sisters and grandparents, and a few choice friends who we 100% know they would come since we're close. We had a reservation at a fancy restaurant and the owner was very happy working with us with placements and menus. And for the party, just get a reservation at a good local pub, and you can invite an infinite number of people for that part, since you don't have to plan for the number of drinks since people will pay for their drinks and everybody can get what they want without worry, while eating the wedding cake (which was essentially a huge chocolate cake with Crunchies bars in it, made by my mom, since fondant wedding cakes are not tasty and a scam)


I can safely say my husband and I were both Tai lol


This is why my wife and I had a destination wedding and picked a tiny venue. 20 people limit basically forced it into immediately family, grandparents, and bridal party.


So, like, on the one hand, both people in a marriage should be invested and involved in the planning. ...but also the more Type A person who... well, is like Dora, here, should recognize when planning, especially on that level, really isn't in their fiancé's wheelhouse...

Captain Button

We were married on New Year's Eve so we could invite a lot of her relatives but not expect that many to show up. Though making it hard for me to forget our anniversary may have been a factor also. (The tax bonus was entirely unanticipated.)


The trick is to just get married however you want THEN have a wedding.

Jim Feldman

I thought Tai would invite Martin and Claire but maybe they're covered under Dora's list.

Derrik Pates

Ugh, if I ever marry my girlfriend, we're definitely just eloping. Fuck everything about this.

Bryan Brake

eloping is the best option. We got married at Justice of the Peace in San Diego, 2 witnesses, and a honeymoon in Long Beach at the Queen Mary. Probably cost us $300 total.


Dora's Achilles Heel or Kryptonite: control. It has kept her in business and out of successful relationships for years. I hope they can resolve this.


I kinda want to point out that this is basically 90% of what a Librarian assistant does. Tai should be a friggin expert at this.