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I mean why not




We love and believe in shitty Dan in this house

Lana Del Prey

Yes, Dan is already cooler than Angus

Michael Boettger

I like Renee. She has her priorities straight.


I dig her HONESTY.


Hope springs eternal. But...go for one last fuck session, just in case.

Lord Crusade

Will Dan be down for it, or will he pull a Faye? Place your bets now!

Darnel D Cooper

Yeah,.. Dan appears to be "real folks" In fact I expect he will ask her for a long distance,.. or invite her to come with.


Of course she needs her own angus. I hope it works out, we need some good wholesomeness atm


I like Renee. I appreciate Shitty Dan. DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE JEPH

Matt Grayson

Elliot looks like Bubbles saying "I would also name it Arthur!"


I want this to work out so badly. Please, please don't let this turn into another Faye and Angus....


It would be shitty not to try and make this work. Dan is no longer Shitty Dan, ergo...

Melissa Smits

In these situations, you gotta do what's best for you. Sometimes LDRs don't work, it's too bad but you both/all gotta be built for it.


As a bouncer Elliot may still feel obliged to point out: not in the bathroom!

Pavel Curtis

Typo: "this" should be "he" in the first panel...


It’s been so long since we’ve heard Angus mentioned. I keep wondering if he’ll make a surprise appearance at some point.


No typo, she means the relationship. Not him, as Dan is not the issue at hand. It is the distance putting a toll on the relationship before the relationship can grow and become workable.

Shawn K. Younkin

I am on team Renee, Handsome Dan will do her right!! ::fingers crossed::


can't wait to see his reaction to last panel!


I think Dan has already "done her right" several times. ;-)


Experts agree that this status is, in fact, cooler than being cool.

Hugh Eckert

Aww, Elliot is such a sweetie...

Thomas Halpin

Unless this means She gets an upgrade from someone of Angus quality to someone of Bubbles' level of quality, but Dan might already be on that level, who can say?


Poor Renee. That being said, I actually have a good feeling about this.

Creepy Cat Lady

I need this to go well for Renee.


At least she's honest with herself


Go for it Renee. You're a much better person when you're gettin' it regular.


I'm calling it now, Dan > Angus

Yelling Bird


Dylan T

Renee knows what she's about


1) I don’t see Dan being the kind of person that would leave Renee and never return. 2) I can see Renee the kind of person who would follow Dan back. What does that mean for Brun?


In my experience, it's ALWAYS a good idea to go for one more fuck session!


If Dan isn’t cooler than Angus, then he really will be Shitty Dan.


Renee's first word bubble, should that be "I knew HE wasn't..."?


definitely fuck him first then have awkward convo.


Yeah, I had to read it a couple times to make sure it wasn't just my tired brain.


Someone remind me what happened w/ Angus? I remember the story vaguely but it's been a while...


Found it thanks to the wiki. But why are we blaming Angus for this? He wanted to make it work & Faye didn't. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2811

Doug DeJulio

That is some good self-awareness there.


I don't necessarily agree that it would be shitty. I had a relationship in college that had an expiration date, because I was graduating and my partner was studying abroad and we didn't want to try to make cross-ocean long-distance work. We had fun while it lasted and then parted on good terms, which makes for better memories than relationships that end because they go bad. Of course, it helped that we had had that conversation at the beginning.


I mean if the goal is NOT to repeat the path of Faye and Angus...maybe they should talk first? https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2686

Ben Russell-Gough

Renee, seriously, if he's been thinking about how to prolong this, the extra nookie is guaranteed. If he isn't, do you really want that? Wouldn't it make things harder and more painful?


I thought Angus had been retconned out?


Hello, I like your wildcat icon, why did you think Angus had been retconned out?


I mean, sounds like a solid plan


I don't trust shitty Dan. His teeth and smile. There's something evil about his look. No LTR!


i love Renee, she's so Machiavellian


I think there's an in-between space, too. Starting with something less committal like "let's visit each other bit" and see how much effort both people end up putting into it. And if you figure out through that that you don't want to be with anyone else, then the LDR until someone can relocate doesn't seem nearly as hard. (I.e., how my spouse and I met. 😊)


Angus wanted to make the LDR work. It was Faye that point-blank refused to try. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2815


Angus wanted to make the LDR work. It was Faye that point-blank refused to try. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2815


Only one? You can talk to him about it in the morning

Rodrigo Ourcilleon

Pretty sure Angus was cool too. It was Faye that went ”fuck everything” and didnt want it to work out. Will never understand The disapproval of Angus. He was/is a great Guy.

James A. Whitney

That's... really smart, actually. Why is this the first time I'm hearing of that idea?


“Just one more ... “ 🤣😂🤣😂

Solomon Garland

Maybe people take against him cause his arc started out as "annoying Faye at work and literally not taking no for an answer when he met her at a bar"? Like, he got over that p quickly and came a long way from being argument guy, but it might be a factor.

Richard Muir

He agreed to pay for a month of rent for Marigold so she had time to find a roomie. It's not like he left her high and dry. But I see what you mean.