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Ah yes, winter in QC time, just in time for spring in real life




I love every single page in this arc.


Faye and Bubbles must have done some good work if her face is still intact. Punchbot did some serious stress-testing to their build and May still looks fine.

Celine Chamberlin

"Not entirely a waste of resources, but mostly so." You've described my life, Jeph. Also, I really like May's hair. Bubbles did good.


So is that where May landed? :)


This is why I follow QC. Unexpected, true to character, witty. I would not have see n this coming in a century of Sundays, but equally it is true to the universe it is in.

Ralph Little

I'm really digging the direction this is taking. More, more more!!!!

David Paul

I would be honoured to receive such a positive farewell at my own funeral. As it stands, I'll probably get a heartfelt "So long, fucker. Let's hit the pub."


It's too bad the panel format of a webcomic doesn't really have room for making the reader read the first three panels before seeing the fourth.


This one panel brings up a number of questions in my head. Theoretically, an AI can live forever, right? How do AI's handle human death within their potentially long lives? How do AI's mourn the deaths of their fellow AI's? Can an AI sense the cold like humans do; is that why Momo is wearing a coat? Most importantly, why didn't May just opt for a khaki spray-can to go with the new face?