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May's shoulder has heavy joint wear... The mind boggles.


EDIT: I am sorry for implying that sewing is automatically feminine. I realize now that this comment had sexist implications. I only wanted to state that I like the fact that Bubbles isn't a stereotypical tomboy. She's a three-dimensional, well-written character. In fact, she is rapidly becoming my favorite character. Sorry if I offended anyone.

David Durant

'cause sewing is automatically feminine...

Alejandro Enriquez

I love that look on peoples' face when they learn I can sew and cook... it's like "dude I'm a bachelor. I ain't payin' for no maid"


I'm sure the new skin colour is going to go over well with her PO.

Carl Fink

Why is Bubbles looking way off to the side? I know she's shy, but I'm shy and I don't look 120 degrees away from the people I'm talking to.

Jonathan McGaha

The attention to detail put into that door frame is great. :) I like how you try to give backgrounds due diligence.


Actually, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Bubbles learned to sew in the military. I imagine you're expected to be pretty self-reliant and care for your equipment, repair tears in packs, clothing, etc. It's not all running around with guns all day. Plus sewing is pretty similar to medical stitching, so if she has any medic / first-aid training there's that. I know if i were an AI and I could download tons of information and guides directly into my brain, I'd be importing every potentially useful skill I could find.


I'd blame her worn arm on masturbation if I thought she were equipped for such an activity

Chris Crowther

Sewing and knitting are pretty traditional hobbies for soldiers, really.

David Paul

Never stopped Pintsize before. May is not that much different, to be honest...