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it's going great




THANK YOU JEPH. Ugh, I was worried Elliot would just let Clinton off the hook without explaining himself.


Communication, though. At least they’re getting somewhere.


It’s a PERFECT STORM !!!! brewing

Lord Crusade

At least... at least Elliot told him the problem, right?


Dan is starting to become too perfect maybe.


Where the heck do I go if I want bread on a Monday?

Michael Boettger

A confession, an explanation, an epiphany. Now kiss! And Renee actually showing restraint.


I know this is early but..... *Now kiss*

Grace Kieser

Elliot used his words!

Rob McBobson

I've got Asperger's syndrome, so I'd just go in and get the baked goods anyway. (Not that being an Aspie necessarily stops you from being bothered by awkwardness, but I can *tell* myself "I'm an Aspie! Things like this don't bother me!" and that helps.)


dang, as easy as it is to go "ahh Clinton you dummy!!" I've unfortunately been right where he is. you think you're doing something sweet for someone until you realize your foot's crossed over the boundary a bit too far and you can't take it back. all you can to is listen, apologize, and try to make reparations. I still want them to K I T H 😘 but either way I hope they remain good pals who communicate w one another after this


Wait I thought Dan left… what day is this?


I'm really proud of Elliot for being honest about how he feels <3


A first kiss? With these two? There's going to be an injury, at least. Forehead to the nose, or someone sticking their thumb in their own ear.


Dammit, Clinton. Say you're sorry!


OK, guys, moping time is over. Croissant time has begun.

Bruce Steinberg

I’m all with Sexy Dan—croissants are important!

Brooks Moses

Clicking the icon under this message is insufficient to indicate my affirmation of this post. I love the idea of using one's Asperger's like that, and I also love that it works.


Go Elliot!!!!!

Brooks Moses

Yeah. It would have been really easy to just avoid that awkwardness and not say anything. Took a lot of courage to speak up. And, really, it took a lot of respect for his relationship with Clinton. It's only worth speaking up like that if you value the future of the relationship.


They might need to break out the battle bread to resolve this. Dueling baguettes? Dwarven battle muffins?

Hugh Eckert

Finally, they're talking.


Muffins of Doom. Freshly baked by the EVIL Doctor Oven.


Last Christmas, my mom had bought croissants from somewhere else, and everyone complained at how bitter and not buttery these croissants were. So she sent me the two full bags that the rest of the family deemed unfit to eat. I had to eat them all, they weren’t worth donating to a food pantry.




I'm very happy that Elliot finally said something.


Could Clinton go visit Alice for a while? She'll clue him up right quick.




They both seem like they need a hug.


it's one hell of a bog. you can hardly move your feet.

Dean Reilly

Beware stranger, none who have entered the Bog of Sadness have ever returned!

Joseph Bonnar

In this weeks cliff hanger, WILL Brun, Renee, and sexy Dan acquire croissants?

Joseph Bonnar

Go ask Alice, I think she'll know. When logic and proportion Have fallen sloppy dead...


avoid the Drama! also, someone let Dan play magic this instance.

Grace Kieser

That's what the readers really want to know! All this homoeroticism and relationship drama? Pffft! I say!

Yelling Bird



Damn. Now I want croissants.


Hey, Elliot is talking about his needs, and Clinton is listening at least some. I can keep reading without getting too angsty. Thanks Jeph! (who owes me nothing, and doesn't need my approval).


At least they're finally talking about it.


sad boys sad boys watchagonna do


I could swear we've seen panels remarkably like 3 and 4 in tbe past....


Jeph's writing is uplifting because his characters always say "oh shit" instead of what usually happens in the real world: people get indignant and angry and defend their egos as their first reaction.


Surround yourself with the kinds of people who do the oh shit thing instead of the indignant thing.

Comics Ladybird

Oh no, they are communicating! Nothing good can ever come out of communication! Only bad things like mutual understanding, respect, and trust.


Same. But do I want them bad enough to go through the multi-day baking process? Hmm.


Good point... Hmmmm...one of these days...maybe.


This is why local bakeries exist – for your instant croissants needs!


we need that dog in the fire meme. This Is Fine!!


Attention! Your attention please! At midnight on December 1st, 2020, I directed my browser to questionablecontent.net, clicked "First" to bring up QC Number One, and began reading comics in order. As of three minutes ago, I have (re-)read #4440. I'm all caught up now. That is all.


Congratulations 😃What are your reflections on this wondrous journey? Which character development did you most/least enjoy? Which stories did you want to see more/less? Do you think Hannelore will turn to the dark side and use her powers for evil?


I found this from Pinterest (I like Robots, and I cannot lie), read a few, and then went back and started from the beginning. It was wonderful, now I rue the weekends when there's no QC. Today is Friday, so my Patreon doesn't give me "tomorrow's comic" because there is no tomorrow...


Yeah but then the world would end on a TUESDAY, and right after a long weekend too. That would just be a massive bummer imo


I am sorry, but I will not stand for the besmirchment of Hannelore's good name. She will never turn to the dark side

Josh Moberly

Besides if Hannelore did turn to the dark side, it'd likely somehow cause a pocket of true vacuum to form and end all reality in an instant.


I tried to find the 'release the virus' strip last night, but had to give up.


Replying to Pete's comment: What originally hooked me on QC was the humor of course, but also the fascinating, quirky alternate universe Jeph has created. I don't think anyone else has explored in depth a society of humans and robots-as-equals, from the perspective of everyday, working-class, often slightly-broken people. ("People" being inclusive of AIs.) I looked at a few very early comics and noticed right away that the "robots" were more like Oliver Wendell Jones's "self-portable" PC in Bloom County than the humanoid (and in some ways super-human) AIs in later strips. This was the motivation for my epic binge: to see how the robots and the human-AI culture (and Jeph's drawing style) evolved over the course of the series. And to catch up on the storyline, of course. Big surprise: Right around #2495, when several days into the storyline with Dale's "virtual companion" I was suddenly like "OMG IT'S MAY!!!" Close second was Bubbles' backstory and liberation, which was splendid but came in second mostly because that's around the time I started following QC and I already knew part of it. Character development? Faye, just because she's been through a lot of self-induced shit (and now I know why,) and she seems to me to be a lot more mature and self-aware than she was in the early comics. Second place: Roko. I found her struggle to adjust to her new body (after Crushbot pancaked her old one) weirdly fascinating. She's also changed a lot since her cop days, imho for the better. Stories? I can't think of anything I want to see *less* of. There are, however, two areas I wouldn't mind seeing explored in more depth: - The society itself. It's been mentioned several times that Jeph's society is "post-Singularity," and yet most of the characters have at various times worried about paying rent and buying groceries. May had to rely on a GoFundMe-equivalent to replace her falling-apart body. With the existence of the massively-powerful AI that has been alluded to a few times, why are these still problems? Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds, I know, but I suspect the answers to these questions would be cool and interesting. - I'd also like to see MOAR SEX, but not (necessarily) for the reason you think. AI sexuality is still very much a mystery, and that bugs me. Why can AIs have sex with humans (and, presumably, each other) in the first place? Why would they want to? Do they orgasm? Why? (How!?) What *is* "pleasure" to an AI, anyway? Again, I suspect the answers would be interesting and wildly cool. Do they have a lube tank that has to be refilled periodically? Also, I wanna know how May and Sven hooked up missionary-style when, as we saw when she was getting her hip repaired, May's old body didn't have the equipment. And Hannelore talks shit sometimes, but she will remain chaotic good.