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beans, beans, good for your heart




God they're such good beans


I wanna donate real money to their fictional enterprise


There's vitamin C in beans?


Well now my thoughts that her character was starting to look like she was loosing weight is not me going crazy!

Andrea Andrew

Poor Faye. I really hope she and Bubbles will experience financial gain soon.


Sounds like it’s time to go to Yay or Hanners for help.

Michael Boettger

From going to being a bit hostile to willing to starve in order to help May. I love Faye. Wonder how Marten and Clare are doing financially? Perhaps they could take over the food situation at the apartment?


that's probably just Jeph's constantly evolving art style ("if you don't like the art style, come back in two weeks")

Captain Button

A lysine deficiency will not help matters.


"my darling" don't mind me just over here gayly sobbing ❤️

Captain Button

The beans and rice thing is so you get all eight essential amino acids, which are, like, essential.


Also, the Bear King will miss his bean tribute...

Dylan T

"My darling" - Bubbles the romantic


Faye definitely would help a small child figure out how to open a can of beans, & probably give it to the small child before herself.


Obvs faye should cut out the rice. That's mostly just starch and empty calories.

Summer Sudbrink

"My darling, I..." - Now I want to hear Bubbles covering Barry White.


Faye and Bubbles are just so great. Almost wish I could give up my Skullmaster career.


bless 'em


can.....can we set them up a gofundme????


Huh? Wha? Did I miss anything? Went into cute-overload at panel 3. But I'm back now.

Darnel D Cooper

Man,.... didn't recognize they were so close to destitute.


I really want Bubs and Faye to get a contract to do all the maintenance for the bots that Roko is fighting to help.


Same here. I just assumed they would be doing a bit better by now.


beans, beans, good for your heart better still, they make you fart 😉

Chris Gallaty

Don't knock beans and rice. I got hooked on that stuff in Costa Rica. Done right I would be happy to eat that every day (and I have) Beats the hell out of ramen from my college days.


Aww such good people. I wanna get May a job. Maybe she can somehow learn to be advertising. That would make them more money?


She had that dancing-with-a-sign-idea. Gotta be worth something


Thought: they tell May they wish they could hire her, but that they don't have they income to. May asks if they would be able to if their business picked up (not necessarily a given, an increase in customer repairs also means more parts to buy and possibly prioritizing hiring more repair staff. We don't know if they're underselling their labor costs, which would undercut their profitability when expanding). If the answer is yes, then May starts to show a knack for advertising and PR. :)


Union Robotics logo spray on her stomach and an OnlyFans

Thomas Halpin

We gotta get more clients to these two.

Shane Wegner

Scurvy? But pirates are cool, right?

Shane Wegner

"If you can bring in more business, you can have a percentage of it" is a pretty tried and true tactic.

Nicolas Demers

Wait, beans are good for scurvy? I thought that was just citruses


Being in a relationship with a robot can be handy I guess. When Faye starts stinking up the bedroom with bean farts, Bubbles can just switch off her olfactory senses


Mind you, knowing how AIs react to the smell of tea, maybe leaving those senses on could be more fun 😂


Yuppers. Basically, the rice is just carbs. The beans are doing all the detailed nutrition.

Michael Boettger

Perhaps they should co-build their brand with Sam's. Sprays + standard maintenance. Try to build traffic and get customers to lingers. A few years ago there was a suggestion of tea sniffings at the shop. Get them into that, and send them CoD for home products.


Yeah beans and rice is a super nutritional meal. You get all your amino acids too. I started making basmati garlic butter rice in the instant pot recently. 4 minutes and slow release and the house smells amazing while it cooks. A can of black beans with some spices. Epazote is a mexican herb that's supposed to stop the beans from being so musical. And some cheese and sour cream on top is ftw. I knew how to cook before the plague hit, but it made me cook at home more so I'm trying new things.


This I'm sure will be consistent. I mean if there's one thing we can always trust QC for, it's realistic depictions of economics and requiring actual solutions to problems.

Dean Reilly

Melon posts a glowing Yelp review, bringing in the detachable ass fetishists.

Grace Kieser

Unless Faye is also drinking some citrus with those beans, she could still develop scurvy!


And beriberi if she sticks to white rice. Almost destroyed the Japanese military in the 1800's


Bubbles presumably insists on the brown variety for that reason.


I saddens me that Beans and Rice is both the most traditional food of my country, Brasil, and a staple of poverty in the US....


It's still "down home cookin" in the southern US where Faye is from - to her it's comfort food. Flavored with ham or (my favorite) hot sausage it becomes a real treat. Poverty foods tend to become delicacies a generation or two later. Clams from our Pacific Northwest, lobster from New England, barbequed "junk meat" like brisket and ribs, they're all foods served at celebrations now. Cassoulet was peasant food in France that you now find in swanky restaurants.

Some Ed

It's been time for that for a while now, IMHO. But Faye has enough pride to keep that from happening. They might be willing to accept advertising from Yay and Hanners, but I'm pretty sure Faye would object to talking with them about it for fear of getting a handout. I think Bubbles would prefer taking the handout rather than having Faye starve, but she is (reluctantly) going along with Faye on this while it's still borderline.


it's hard to recognise when you're not the best placed person to help. offering her less than enough might prevent her from finding something better, yknow? she could offer to be a reference!

William Cole

OR, May could go around knee-capping AIs. It fits her personality better.


Of course, and she would very likely consider it, but (1) it's a nice subversion of expectations and (2) she doesn't want to go back to robot jail.


Beriberi destroyed a lot of Australian soldiers that were unwilling "guests" of the Japanese in WW2.

Sleepy John

Alas, good intentions don’t take the place of regular meals.


And it’s still illegal in Massachusetts to feed prisoners lobster more than three times a week. Yesterday’s prison food is tomorrow’s fine dining.(Mind you, my mother eats lobster with implements and intensity more like Marten’s mother’s job.)


don't you worry that May would think that taking a lead pipe to a few femurs might be an easy way to drum up biz??


Like I said, she doesn't want to go back to robot jail.