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I hope Sam brushes her teeth regularly




Aw man, I kind of want a herp derp poster now.


Momo graciously accepts the cookie on behalf of her kind, to begin a new chapter in Human-AI interaction.


I don't do posters anymore, but I could see bumming around the house in a herp derp shirt.


What I fail to understand is why, given this, and Pintsize's love for eating/imbibing despite what it does has no one in the QCverse ever come up with a small flexible holding tank so that an AI can eat? Even if say, Momo's mouth is too rigid, and internal space too lacking to do so, there would most likely be chassis on the market that would have the required components. And those AIs would likely have the money to buy regular enzyme-liquid (saliva) cartridges the same way we waste money on printer ink.

Donald Randolph

instead of an exclusionary slight against Momo, I want to see inclusionary action of "mom baking for the kids" without thinking of one of them as an outsider. though will admit could be very context sensitive to personalities and history of different groups