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We're definitely cooking with gas. I suspect a cliffhanger.

Michael Boettger

Dora is getting real focused here. Have they set an official date?


Dora's cooking with flammables.

Andrea Andrew

Is May going to be the caterer? I could see her looking into a job like that.

Michael Boettger

And May's catering would be terrifying. But Melon's would be worse.


If you've never paid for a wedding before, I can tell you that crazier thoughts than this will run through your mind whether it suits your principles or not.


Dora! I was wondering when she'd show up again!


Is "a little bit of hypocrisy" like being a little pregnant?

Alcaria Swain

Sven, I love you, but you look more like Clinton day by day


I'm impressed with Hanner's capacity to boil a story down to the essentials that inform the narrative without revealing the details.


May with Roko and Elliot on cinnamon rolls, I mean wedding cake baking duty. (Roko may knead a cigarette after that.)


yeah! give him back his rapunzel hair! our prosopagnosia can't handle this!

Daniel S

"...Was honest with a girl he was seeing even though it led to the end of their relationship" is oddly applicable to the end of the whatever-it-was Sven had with Faye, too...


Given the numbers there is a good likliehood Sven has slept with a caterer

Shane Wegner

I don't accept the premise "I freely donated money to help you of my own free will, with zero strings attached. OH NO EVERYTHING IS RUINED FOREVER NOW." "I gave you money." "Yeah." "I guess things are weird now?" "I guess." "..." "Wait... WHY are things weird again?" "I don't know, I thought you did." He can't coerce May financially by, like threatening to demand a refund of his donation, it's non-refundable. (And he wouldn't do so.) He can't particularly (and wouldn't because ew) imply that she "owes" him use of her new body as a quid pro quo. Plus they're freely into each other on such "body sharing" anyway. I'm hoping May's fresh-mouthed-ness and general bravery of going against society will call this out and be like "Why SHOULDN'T we bone if we want to??" I get it. By good luck, I have a really good salary right now. Economic power differences can be a little weird. But consent and choice are still entirely possible even so.


Yea, I don't really get why Sven contributing made it weird between him and May. I mean, it wasn't like he's funding her education or something, where it's an ongoing outlay and so she feels like she has to 'pay' for that with sex or whatever. He just did a nice thing.


Dora can have a little hypocrisy as a treat

Michael Schmidt

I think it may just be the sex-doll comparisons that leap to mind. "I paid for this myomer body and now I'm enjoying it" is a little different than "I paid for your education and now we're having fun in bed together." There's even a possible implication that "maybe I paid for this body because it gives me a better experience than the old one." But I do sort of expect that May and Sven will get back together after they get over it.

Dean Reilly

'Sven, I need you to sleep with a caterer, a dressmaker, a car-hire operator and a wedding celebrant if we're going to bring this thing in under budget.'


Nit much support there. Still a tenuous relationship

Chris Heg

Really, May should consider a career in ecdysiastics.


I think its that he tossed more than a few bucks into the hat and May is already the type to be uncomfortable with help.

Some Ed

I paid for my wedding, and no such thoughts ran through my mind. To be fair, I had a sane wedding that only cost about $2,000 in 2005 money. I doubt Dora is having one of those.


I can't imagine her interactions with her clients going well.


I bet May's catering would involve cake farts. Does her new body have that function? LOL cakefart.exe


This is your A game btw 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍