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Can an AI be underage, or are they just waiting with their friends in solidarity?


Where were they last time? Was it the coffee shop?


Now I'm curious about if *all* AI have the ability to make themselves drunk? If an AI was coded and designed to resemble a young boy would he be able to, or would he need like, an upgrade/new body to do so.


I have questions about the seemingly optional nature of robot noses


Bottom text does say she doesn't even need to be carded

Matt Grayson

Are they the "Bros bros bros!" trio equivalent?

Michael Boettger

Is it my imagination, or is Northampton a really small town? That you'd see the same people at the CoD, the bank, the street, a restaurant, and a bar, is a bit of a stretch.


So those three are major characters now right?

Joseph Bonnar

We have seen the blue AI (at least) several times before, and -I-, for one, would welcome her into her own arc. Another cast member to ship!


NoHo is pretty small, and there is a lot of walking. I lived there as a kid, and had family living there until recently. My aunt and mom still talk about all the people they didn't know but would see around town on a regular basis. It's one of my fav places tbh.


FOLKS. We've all been shipping so hard for the Elliot/Clinton/Brun triad when the real triad was staring us in the face (or standing behind Elliot's back) all along... 0.0


Looks like the one in front has Frankenstein sutures on her head.

Michael Boettger

Random fact: there has been 2 naval vessels named after the city: a Cruiser, sunk in 1942, and a command ship, scrapped in 1980.

Fart Captor

Amber O'Malley's cousin here seems like a nice lady


Wait, weren't there only three before?

Grace Kieser

Yeah, but we're not emotionally invested in these three! Plus there's plenty of queer ladies in this strip, already! Where's the queer dude representation!? I demand hot burly dude on skinny nerd shipping!


I just checked and it was just the short girl and the AI. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4330

Grace Kieser

She's always so grumpy! Why is blue robot lady always so?


They do look similar don't they! wonder if Amber has family on the east coast


I'm waiting for these three to have their own version of BROS BROS BROS

William Cole

It's SurlyMode(tm), from the makers of DrunkMode(tm)! Coming soon: MaudlinMode(tm)!

Mark Thomas

Since the state is entirely "mental" for them, I'd say the only upgrade they'd need to "get drunk" would be access to the internet to download the software. They don't even need the capability of ingesting liquids. They could maybe be "hard-coded" against downloading such apps, such that it would take a firmware hack to allow it... But I don't see how you could physically prevent them from being capable of getting drunk without taking away something that actually makes them AI entities instead of just smart programming...

Am Queue

"didn't want to interrupt" should be read as "were too intrigued to stop our entertainment. And where's the guy you were having burritos with the other day?"


I love how they are getting most of this dumb relationship drama just from glimpses


I have known about short girl and robot girl as reoccurring side characters for a while (I think their first reoccurring appearance was back when Dale had CoD skin-tight uniform, then again as customers for sams tattoos.) but I don't recognize the other girl, is she new or have I just missed her?


Hahaha... I had been wondering when Elliot's or Brun's actual job was going to interupt.


I think she was there in their first appearance too! https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3931

Chris Crowther

At least they got to see the continuation of the cafe conversation.


I was wondering what space this conversation was happening in, and when for that matter.


I just...wanna give Elliot a big ol' hug :((

Stephen Wells

Let's see... they co-own the burrito place. Eyebrows and SurlyBot are married. YouHush is their occasional dominatrix.


I like the tall AI


classic qc slapstick


Next time... dunno maybe DON'T ask your kinda sorta maybe to join you at work. Make a proper date of it!


you hush!!

Lars Gottlieb

Love the Dalton sisters (o:

Dan Curtis

do ai need to get carded?

Nicolas Demers

Seriously, that was no fun for either of them, especially not for Clinton. I get the urge to just be around Elliot, but he's not not in his environment, not actually spending time with the cinnamon roll, he's just alone stewing in his doubts and insecurities.

George Wilson

Yeah, I doubt they are 21.

Grumpy Bird

why? I'm short AF, over 21, and there's nothing I can do about it, plus Elliot's kinda tall, right?