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Poor Elliot


This storyline is kinda depressing because it’s just so so real to me :-(

Morgan Bauman

Aw, Brun, I feel you...

Lyman Green

You know .. I’ve been where Brun was. Not her situation but I mean.. having the clues late out for me about people and relationships and just not getting it. I feel for Elliot but also for Brun.

Joseph Bonnar

Rule of thumb: Don't drink and date. :P


Nerves are tricky. We want the best for the characters …

Spoogle McGee

Elliot makes a poor Watson.


I was Brun last comic, even though now it seems so obvious why Elliot was upset.


Come on, Brun! Figure it out, then rescue the boys by explaining it to them.

Joel Bateman

This arc had me excited. Now it has me sad.

Anthony Gaglianese

At first I was so 😀😀😀 about all of this. Now...this is hitting so hard in the feels. I have been Brun, Clinton, and Elliot in this arc so far.


don't drink and what?? but how will we ever have sex??!


really, Elliot, the situation is NOT complicated. Dealing with it is complicated (isn't it remarkable how thoroughly we identify with these characters!-good job Jeph)


Yes... Exactly this. I haven't been able to put my finger on why this arc just.... hurts (?) so much, but you are exactly right. It's like I'm watching all of my own dysfunctions, all at once, and they are all interacting with each other and hurting each other; and none of them actually know what they are doing to each other. :(


Months or years later...hardheaded enough to miss the clue by four.


Oh god, she hates it when people say "it's complicated."

Matt Grayson

At least he hasn't said "Never mind." Or was that "Don't worry about it."


Aw... Frack... :|


Situation and dealing with said situation aren't that far between, specially when yer right in the slurry of it! But yea, Jeph sure knows how to make us identify with characters! (* much identify with Elliot AND Clinton *)


Could somebody just give Elliot a hug please? I'm in physical pain seeing him like this.

Carl Fink

Is "Clinton got drunk and said too much" really as big a crisis as some of the commenters think? Or "Brun is really honest, which everyone knows and the two guys in this sequence clearly don't mind"?

Michael Boettger

Someone give Elliot a hug. He's had a really bad evening. Again, I wonder if Yay will show up later on and offer advice and observation. (Hey, worked for Faye.)..Turn Clinton over to Renee and Claire to be set straight.

Shawn K. Younkin

I love that Brun KNOWS something is up... but can't quite figure it out. XD


Use your words, Elliot.


It's almost like, the two scenarios are so simple and blunt, which would be preferable. But because it's so unusual in the grand scheme of human relations it feels like too much of a twist to comprehend in the moment.


Second to last panel Brunface is mood.

David Durant

I first read that as Faye turning up to offer advice. I'd pay to watch that show.

Thomas Halpin

This is the perfect follow up to the previous scene, and i will fite anyone that disagrees

Clifton Royston

I think Brun is showing the most emotional intelligence of the three, for all that it doesn't come naturally to her.

Fart Captor

Brun's eyebrows seem to be growing more powerful

Alex Piskura

I just find a lot of this encounter really weird. Clinton seemed... odd... the whole way through, like, I don't remember him acting like this really ever, and while he can be weird and cute and awkward at times this felt really forced and mechanical. Plus the whole work-date thing is... ehhhhh. Am I the only one that feels like going to the place someone you're interested in works, while they're on the clock, and then getting sloshed when you explicitly know they both won't be and also be busy seems kinda off? Like, not in a this is a bad idea off, but in a "real people don't behave like this normally" kind of off? I dunno.


Yeah, I see that too. She's smart, knows her limitations and makes an actual effort to overcome them.

Tim Keating

You can probably chalk it up to “people don’t always act in a logical way, or even in their own best interest.”

Derek Hassell

I have played Brun, Elliot, and Clinton in various versions of this over the last twenty-ish years. Big oof.


Poor Brun


I relate to Brun in a way I somehow always knew I would


Just TELL HER WHAT’S GOING ON, you big goof. “I like Clinton, he might like me, we both like you. Apparently, you don’t like Clinton that way, or me, and Clinton drowned his sorrows in beer and went home.” See? It’s not THAT complicated!

Anna Phylaxis

oh god i have been brun in this situation so many times, oh WOW


Or, let the boys do their own dang emotional labor instead of getting a woman of color to do it for them. Again.


I bet it has something to do with koalas