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I think this is the first time in the entire comic someone has asked BRUN how she feels WRT smooching Clinton?




That's gotta hurt.


Wow Brun. Wow.

Alcaria Swain

Here I lie, brokenhearted. Thought it was a fart, but actually I sh....

Spoogle McGee

What is the sound effect of something drying up?


stop, stop, he's already dead!


Oof. Rip bro


Painful? Yeah. But always better to know exactly where you stand. Even if it's behind the door.


I'm honestly proud of Clinton here. He asked the question respectfully and didn't respond like a jerk afterwards.


Okay, but what about going on a date, cuddling, etc~? relationships don't necessarily need (or center around) sex ;p

Michael Boettger

Welp, that settles that question, doesn't it? And Brun's honesty is refreshing, if a bit brutal.

Andrea Andrew

That’s some ship sinking if I’ve ever seen it.


Just when I thought 2020 couldn't take anything else, I lose hope


Before the possibility of Elliott dating Clinton came up, I would've been very disappointed with this.

Anthony Gaglianese

While I can feel for Clinton in this instance, I do commend both parties being straightforward and honest, here. If only it were anywhere near as clean-cut and straightforward in real life.


Can't say I'm surprised. She never showed any sign of being attracted to either of the guys.


But dude said she’s super hot and is not going to be cool with that.


So when something like this happens, it's important to remember to get off the ship before water reaches the boilers, because that's when the big explosion happens. Orderly as you flee, now.


“Ask her, what’s the worst that can happen?” Me: *panels 5 and 6*



Shawn K. Younkin

Ugh... Clinton don't be that guy who is only getting w/ what he can because he can't get w/ what he wants... NO one finds THAT arousing.

Celine Chamberlin

GEEZ. I guess we're just going to have to settle for the utterly adorable Elliot/Clinton pairing. Which is FINE, I guess. Bring on more adorable, I suppose. GEEZ.


That’s quite the imagination, Brun.


Could be worse. I had someone ask me that about someone else and I'm pretty sure I gagged a little bit.


I wish I could be this honest in real life 😂


I mean, we’re pretty clear on him being attracted to Elliot at least.


Also, my next question is "what does arouse Brun?" And that is personal, true. But the question begs: does Brun get aroused? Maybe she is asexual. But I guess for the purpose of this interaction, it doesn't matter. She's not interested in him that way, and that's enough. It's no one else's business what she is into.

Nicholas Kratzer

Given the robot girl has a crush on Brun, in not surprised her and Clinton didn't work out.

Bo Blackstar

While I was deeply excited for a polycule, it's more important to stay true to the characters as you feel them when you're writing them. This is good and delivered humorously. Yay developments!


Well. A bit disappointing, but not surprising. At least we got a good joke out of it.


Disappointed 😭


I mean, the only person we’ve really seen Brun express interest in has been Millefeuille, no? I enjoy a good ship but the Elliot-or-Clinton-or-both w/ Brun one has always seemed unlikely to me. Maybe! It’s nice to have one of the boys finally ask, though.

Adrian Galarza

Brun and clinton Don't have to be intimate with eachother to be separately with Elliott, though. I still have hope lol


This strip was so savage it CRACKED THE MOON

Ronald Burdick

sometimes, the chemistry JUST ISN'T there.. sorry for Brun and Clinton, oh, well...


nooooo T_T


RIP, but that does help with choosing. I wonder who Brun WOULD be attracted to, if anyone?


Noooo my poly ship!!! 🚢 💥


Tactless move to be on a date with one person and ask another person out. But we have had other indications that Clinton's social awareness is not high. Edit to add; Which feels like that would have been a perfect poly group.... sigh.


My ship is dead and I'm sad

Seth Aaron Hershman has they she pronouns

Elliot/Brun and Clinton/Elliot could still happen simultaneously but independently of each other! Polyamory doesn't always mean one big relationship. I barely talk to my girlfriend's other partners.


Well, being straightforward isn't necessarily a bad thing! Also, I wish I could handle such a question as smooth as Brun does here. 😭 For some reason I adore her response, idk why?


They’re “hanging out to get to know each other and see where it goes” and one dude is at work. This is not a violation of an implied/or agreed upon monogamous relationship.

Danya Michael

We definitely know Brun appreciates straightforwardness.

Mari San

She seems aromantic


I think she’s Ace. Buuuut.... she really likes sleeping on a certain robot lady’s enhanced “cushion.“

Sleepy John

Now I'm wondering what Brun visualizes as 'having sex', and where she found out about it.


She says what we ar all thinking but are too afraid to say. I like it.


She's autistic, not four. I'm sure even if she's inexperienced, she's still aware of at least the basics. I mean, she's best friends with Renee, here.

Mark Thomas

It sucks that the answer stings so much, but I'd still say this is good for him. He had the guts to ask, and now he KNOWS where he stands with her, so he can focus on his shot with Elliott. Waffling between too potential dates is a great way to end up losing both of them. Also, I'm 100% in favor of Brun-efuille, anyway. They seem great for each other, and not every relationship has to be built around sexual attraction, or even include it at all. They may be the perfect foil to Faye and Bubbles


god i love brun. if we get brun + millefeuille and clinton + elliot i will make lots of nosies.


As awful as this is for Clin-ton, it's far easier to decide whether or not to pursue something with someone you fancy when you know that a potential "road not taken" isn't in the picture.


"actually kind of surprised at how non-arousing it is" ah, a relatable ace mood


I will say it could still happen. She might be ace and not aro. I don't think we have seen her thoughts on sex with any of the other possible relationships yet either. Her cute walking date didn't really bring up the topic and all of this is fine. I just want to hear more about her thoughts on stuff ^^

Thomas Halpin

This is absolutely fantastic, and I'm sad for Clinton, but it's also super hilarious and I'm proud of Clinton for asking and Brun for answering!


Noooooo, my dreeeammmsss

Ian Wolfe

Nooooooo! My ship! *weeps*


Agreed. The sooner you find out your princex is in a different castle, the sooner you can move on to someone who feels the same way about you.

Jaron Mortimer

F in the chat. Sorry Clinton, we all know you're hot. Don't worry if you don't do it for Brun.


Hey, so two things: 1.) I feel like this is a shitty to do while you're ON A DATE WITH SOMEONE ELSE. Like, focus on Elliot tonight, this is y'alls thing. 2.) I guess I gotta take all this polycule-shipping energy and go all-in with Dumbing of Age.


Jeph, you continue to create a universe I want to live in.


Crap, this could be read as criticism. It's not! This storyline rules and everyone's growing and acting in really good ways.

Morgan Bauman


Dylan T

That's rough buddy

Samantha Yeaman

F for Clinton, although this does mean that my Brun x Millefeuille ship may get to sail, so I can't pretend to be unhappy.


It's only a torpedo to the sexual attraction hull of my catamaran. It is a bit difficult to keep this ship afloat, but a romantic ace relationship is still a possibility. You could say that I've got an ace up my sleeve, but I'm wearing a tanktop

William Cole

I honestly expected more wailing and gnashing of teeth from the poly-shippers.


Man, this is still a pretty dope webcomic sometimes.


RIP my poly ship, but also LOL I love tf outta Brun

Chuck Dee

One of my tricycle's tires just went flat...


Aw maaan, rest in peace poly ship


Anyway, love to see them all being so sincere

Alcaria Swain

Oh nooo. Oh nooooooo. I see the potential here for so much drama. Clinton and Elliot are gonna go out. But then Elliot finds out Clinton asked Brun first beforehand, and then feels like he was settled with. And/or Brun is receptive to a polycule with Elliot, but then Clinton ends up struggling with jealousy. So much drama potential. My heart is scared in awe.


Clinton needed to go to Claire to realize that the path to an answer was to picture himself with Elliot. Brun just figures it out on her own, immediately, to do such a thought experiment. Impressive. Also Clinton's recent experience probably helped prime him to immediately understand her answer (not that it would be complicated in any case).


Aww! Well, I'm glad he asked and she answered and I hope they can still be good friends!


You know, it's weird. It's almost like the majority of the commenters can't imagine a relationship without sex.

Daniel S

I know. There's hope for this polycule, although threesomes appear to be off the table.


It happens. You don't get to be poly without respecting boundaries and good communication. He asked and she answered honestly. This is some A+ poly practice.


I appreciate that he respected her need for clear, direct communication and was clear and direct in his inquiry. Maybe not the very best time to address this concern, what with Elliot waiting for him upstairs, but ::shrug:: He got his answer. What could possibly go wrong? ::clears throat::


Ouch, brutal Brun lessons are brutal

Evgeniy Semyonov

Jeph buried this particular policule, but that doesn't mean that there would never be any other policule in this story. We don't know the Clay ship potential, so maybe there will be Clinton/Yay/Elliot policule. Improbable, but not impossible.


I would normally be disappointed but not when the result is likely Clint and Elliott.


No, no, I could hear more about this picturing Brun and Clinton having sex

Lana Del Prey

Agreed. I expected/hoped this would be the result. The chemistry just wasn't there. (Millefeuille, on the other hand...)


Oof. Now if Clinton ends up with Elliot it will seem like he's just a contingency or backup. That's so disappointing because I really shipped them but now I kinda hate Clinton. He's basically ON A DATE right now, but is checking if he has a better option first. Gross.

Rodrigo Ourcilleon

Man... And Im here secretely hoping for Rocco and Clinton. Yes, Im still thinking about drunk Rocco lustin for our nerd fella.


This is the worst kind of love triangle: three attractions, none mutual (afaik)


Is it possible Brun is asexual? Has she ever expressed interest in another being in a sexual way?


Actually a polycule doesn't have to be a clique (graph-theoretical sense). Elliot can still be with both Clinton and Brun, just like you can date twins without twincest ;)

Some Ed

It is possibly significant that she hooked up with Millie as easily as she did. I don't recall there being an expression of sexual interest there, and it's plausible that recognizing Millie was a bit socially awkward, too, and somewhat understanding of social awkwardness was a major factor. So it feels inconclusive. I think she's certainly experienced a certain amount of social awkwardness with Clinton, and while he's been accepting of it, I could also see that being a major turn-off, especially since this social awkwardness came before any understanding of Clinton being accepting of it.

Some Ed

It's absolutely possible to be this honest in real life. Though, I expect what you really mean is you wish the people around you would accept that honesty this well. That is *still* possible; I do it, and I have a small circle of friends who do it, too. But that circle of friends is small because it's difficult to find people who are have a sufficient handle on their emotions and social skills to deal with it. Or, stated in another fashion, being honest takes risks, just like being dishonest does. Most people prefer the latter risks to the former. I'll admit that being honest to this degree probably works as well as it does for me because I have a pretty severely flattened affect. When I get disappointing news that I don't know how to handle, I just don't have a reaction until I've had some time to think about it. That can take a while, but at least I don't have an over the top immediate reaction I'd made that I need to redress later.


Damn it :(

Raven Razor

BrunxMillefeuille ship has a chance! I was not into the polycule with these three characters. I am sorry for those who lost their ship, tho. May a different one sail for you.

Some Ed

Different people are different. Not everybody can do this "picture themselves with x" thing and have it work. Some people can "picture themselves with x" and it's never arousing. Others can "picture themselves with x" and it's *always* arousing. Still others can't "picture themselves", and some can't "picture x". Some who can picture both themselves and their prospective partner can't do the two together for any prospective partner. While some would take this last as an indication the relationship won't work, it's not a guarantee.


If Brun is anything like me, she's ace.


Not only has the Titanic finally met the iceberg, but it also looks like questionablecontent.net is down... or is that just me?


Why would she be surprised to find the image non-arousing, then?

Joseph Bonnar

As long as he respects her answer, yes. That is what a decent human should do.


Clinton-Elliot-Roko! Clinton-Elliot-Roko!


Kibosh applied.

Cole Blackblood

Not to imply anything - but Brun's response definitely sounds like my own realization to being asexual lol

Bruce Steinberg

My trimaran is siiiiiiiinnnnnking!


Gotta appreciate the thoroughness


I hope Brun gets to start smooching someone soon!!!


Yessss Ace representation!! I am so happy for her.


As adorable as I find Clinton, this made me cackle, lol


Or she's into girls. Brun reads ace, but I'm not assuming anything and am curious where Jeph is going with her character. (FYI, I'm also ace.)


Yay! Ace Brun for the win!


omg clinton you asked somebody else out when you were already on a date? =...( poor elliot