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someone shadowban him



Cody Renton

I love that all cursing in the QCverse consists of offensive portmanteaus

Joel Bateman

I'm gonna start using "fucktoilet" from this day forward.


I have never related more to a webcomic character before this moment


Weird, I usually get 24 hour bans when I say that

Adam with two As, a D, and an M

A pitching machine was the sole pitcher for Unlimited Los Angeli Tacos in Blaseball for most of a season.


More to the point, you wouldn't want a pitching machine in a baseball game because the batters would all know exactly what's coming every time.

Spoogle McGee

The sollution: Ban Sports.


It’s never been more real. 😆


I identify with clinton


EvangelionGreg is right. Unless they have program to simulate human fallibility it doesn't seem fair.


"The usual" just ends me.


...Fluffy!? Fluffy! Hope you're well! (I think I recognize you from song fight 10 years ago, but it's my memory so who knows! 🤣)


Anyone with evangelion in their name is the worst


$5 says Elliot likes baseball a lot


Oh dear god, the APM from being able to just send USB-HID packets from your brain to the PC would be mental

David Johnson

If we can have robot umpires we can have robot players dammit!


I identify with Elliot. I've had that kind of conversation.

James Cooper

Was my feeling too, if our crude AI playing chess can beat a world champion then advance sentient AI would have a distinct advantage. Of course if there is some form of anticheating software that limits the speed of everything to greater than like .5 second or whatever the fastest human reaction time and such...

Jaron Mortimer

I'd argue that Greg is close to making a salient point, but went about it like a Dickwaffle. If the gap between human players and AI players would be so large as to consider a ban, you'd be looking at making a new league. In basketball, this wouldn't be akin to banning players who are taller, this would be akin to making the WNBA.

drone r0m-3

As an Unlimited Tacos fan, I just want to say that we let Pitching Machine play most of a season for us when all of our pitchers were "incapacitated". So, yes, I would.


Or, more appropriately, the different weight classes in boxing. You're not putting a featherweight vs a heavyweight.


One question: does Clinton have an actual job or is he a college student not yet to the point of starting on his dissertation?


Man, fuck EvangelionGreg. Or not, because clearly noone should have that job.


AIs should be the referees for all e-sports. Issue resolved.


EvangelionGreg is also clearly right in this particular argument regardless of how much he sucks, so that's a bit rough. Having to agree with shitty people is, in and of itself, not fun. :V


Perhaps it is time for Elliot to escalate to the oral sex portion of the date to induce Clinton to stop talking. Just sayin'


Maybe Spookybot will volunteerto help him practice that too.


Is that a typo and you meant pitching, or was it a machine that was well hung?

Clifton Royston

Surely all of us have been that Clinton at one time or another.


Straight up plugging a neural interface into a PCI Express slot


Words cannot express how much I fucking love Clinton. He's awkward, adorable and the absolute best.


I feel there's a parallel to certain "should these people be allowed to compete" questions but its potentially a false parallel


Let them play and if they keep on winning create a human league.

Kyle Rudy

I'm glad all that character growth and personal development haven't spoiled who Clinton is at his core.

Kyle Rudy

They have programs to simulate drunkenness, and they clearly have the capacity to get so fucking bored that they just stop paying attention. IMO, that gives AI everything they need to appreciate and participate in baseball!


The slightly aghast expression that Elliot has says it all.


Don't worry, Elliot. I wouldn't know how to respond to that either.


Ehh, how long do you think that it would take for that to be a "they're biased for their own kind!" And "why can't humans be refs!"


This feels like a VoidCowboy reference...




Clinton should have used the argument that humans *for decades* have been playing - and yes, even winning - against computers in all kinds of games. So why should it now suddenly be against the rules for an AI to play against humans?


I’m really hoping that passionate nerdery is part of Clinton’s charm. At this point I don’t care WHICH Elliot-ship makes port, I just want to wave her in.


It wasn't until my mid 20's that I learnt to stop monologuing. I'm really Brun but I mask post-Clinton. This really brings it all back.


What was the advice Clinton got when he was preparing for his epic date with Emily? It seems relevant right now. “Okay, maybe be yourself, but not, like, too much.” https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2852

Grace Kieser

Jeph coming through with the choice swears! I'm gonna start using "fucktoilet" in my own life!


"Dickpile" and "fucktoilet." The lexicon has expanded this day.


Hmm this makes me wonder if there are cybernetic human/computer interfaces and how they would affect the whole discussion...


Well I understood point 1, conceded and agreed with point 2, but point 3 c'mon Clinton what the hell the World Series is just around the corner man.

Thomas Halpin

I don't see any reason a standard for performance couldn't be measured for the non-AI players, and then the AI players underclock their gaming output to meet that standard.


What, no dick-rombas? Someone need to give May access to ai forums.




What's a shadowban, everybody?



Evgeniy Semyonov

And on the other side of town Pintsize logs out as EvangelionGreg, relogins under DarkYagami69 and continues to rant about the unfair AI advantages.

Aran Fielder

Just fucking @ me next time, Jeeze! 😂

Ardent Slacker

I prefer ducktoilet and fic-pile. Not for cursing, just in lexicon. A pile of dicks sounds like... I dunno... Jeffrey Dahmer's leftovers bin.


Up your user name game, dude, or was Evangreglion unavailable?

Frédéric B.

All I know is that TASBot does not compete in the same categories as puny meatbags.

I am the captian now

Wasn't there an episode of futurama about robots and baseball?

Hugh Eckert

EvangelionGreg is a pseudo for Yelling Bird.

Wild Card

Sounds like a typical discussion forum "debate"

Mark Thomas

but how do you determine a fair "standard"? humans vary significantly even within a single sport, too the extent that sometimes those so train the maximum safely health amount will max out in talent/skill/performance equal to players who are so capable that they practice am hour or two a day and just eat generally healthily but continue to be in the top 1%. Do AIs simply get to just exist at the top 1% because that's the cap set for them? or do they get locked out of the top 10% forever because the "standard" is set lower than that out of "fairness", such that they input nothing but the cap program and achieve near greatness anyway but are denied being the best because they weren't born human? how would you regulate their chances of improving or worsening their abilities in comparison to that standard?

George Wilson

I think Punchbot would have an unfair advantage in UFC.


The look on Eliot's face = that one time I tried to talk about IRC to people I just met. 😅


The solution is simple. Have a human league and an AI league. Kind of like Paralympics and the Olympics.