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Shitty Dan, hello




I... I would like to play magic the gathering with Renee


He seems nice


Dora with a very suspicious smile there. Unless that’s Emily and I have completely lost my ability to parse comic characters.


My local magic players look down on us d&d players, nerd hierarchy is fucked up

Michael Boettger

So who's more awkward around the opposite sex? Renee or Clinton classic?


I don't feel like that's an inappropriate question to ask.

Jaron Mortimer

Teach her the glorious ways of EDH, Frankly Better Dan.


Magic player, can confirm thats basically how we get new friends that play.

Ehren Kluge

Dude is willing to shell out a bunch of money on what is essentially a first date...

Am Queue

I thought that was Emily

Anthony Gaglianese

Sitting down and playing a card/tabletop game with a date is definitely high on my lists.

Clifton Royston

So many story lines in the air right now, it's like watching the Flying Karamazov Brothers.

Alex Kosnett

I guess I didn’t realize Brun and Renee were townies. That’s fun! Amps up the small town drama in a lot of ways.


always up for some mtg....

Michael Boettger

Maybe Renee should grab Marigold as her sensei for this?


i have a huge box of cards in my closest just waiting for the day someone asks me this question...


I'd like to point out he's talking about spending over $100 dollars here. Unless things have changed since the last time I bought Magic cards.


Oh hell yes MTG Edit: I'd like to point out that, at the time of writing/edit of this comment, about 50% of the comments are from people who know MTG, or outright players. YALL NERDS and also my people /hugs

Jaron Mortimer

Geeze, that's like gnomes looking down on halflings for being short: why are you being shitty about it when you're the same? I'd honestly argue that Magic players are worse.


Best pick up line


Is CoD doing a Halloween special for vampires? I see "Blood Pack" on the menu board.

Matthew McIntosh

Aw, I want them to play MtG. Cute! 😊. I miss that game. Haven't played since high school 21 years ago... ... Fuck, now I feel old.


Core Set 2021: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08BXBJX32/ - 30$ a pop Booster Box Core 2021: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0874B5G6M - 'bout 100$ Calculate taxes into this, you get close to 200$. You're on the mark, but a hair on the cheaper side I'm afraid.


Now he's Chad FAE Dan, hell yeah


BOX OF BOOSTERS. This is a man willing to spend money on a date!


I'm not saying I have Renee's haircut sans pullback. I'm typing it.


I rather wish that I had kept my cards, but I kinda figured that the game was dying. Considering that I got $1500 or so from the local comic/games shop back in '98, I'm sure they'd be worth quite a bit more now.


I’ll play with him, he’s hot.

William Cole

With all the romantic plotlines currently escalating, I feel like we're building towards one cataclysmic "and then they fucked" moment, followed by the Earth exploding into a cloud of orgone.

Simon Green

I would like a $32 Machiatto please.


Emily please


Just saw a patreon notification and "shitty Dan" and my mind went immediately to dumbing of age Danny


Just cause they grow up doesn’t mean they don’t grow out of their hobbies. Though “shitty Dan” was never actually “shitty”. He just wasn’t as “cool” as the other Dan.


Renee - just chill gal, it's going well.




How dare he actually just be nice. I demand his head.


Attached to his body, at a table, with said Magic sets?

Aaron Schulz

Is this going to take a wild turn where shitty dan ends up with elliot and renee/clinton/brun go full dirty throuple?

Wild Card

I would say that is "challenge accepted!"


Dang. He just offered to run pick up $150+ worth of cards.


Shitty Dan I love you

Morgan Bauman

She remembered his hobbies! I’d be touched, tbh.

Lucanid Landman

If the QC-verse MtG meta is anything like the current one, then now may not be the best time for newbies to jump in. *mutters* Omnath everywhere...


ah, the look of someone who likes playing games, but haven't had the opportunity for a while. "IT'S OK, I CAN FLY IN A DECK BY DRONE IF IT MEANS WE CAN HAVE SOME PLAY-TIME!"

Josh Moberly

The second Renee mentioned MTG, Dan heard an insidious voice emanate from the depths of his mind: "You feel a burning desire to open another box of Magic cards."


Kitchen table is always fun, no matter what the greater meta is


They gon fuck on a pile of magic cards.


A whole BOX? that’s a lot of cards dan


No, they will carefully sort the cards, sleeve them, put them aside in the box and THEN fuck


Hm from what I remember it was relatively standard practice if you could afford it to get a reasonable deck...

Daniel Blom Paulsen

Remove a piece of clothing per 5 life points lost? Though I'd probably stay away from playing green/white, then ...

Dylan T

I continue to wonder how any member of this cast is considered a functioning adult


ah magic, you're never truly out of the game


Shitty Dan wasn't really a shitty personality back in high-school. He was probably a nerd who was bullied by all the jocks in the school who gave him that nickname, and it stuck. Went on to work at an engineering consultancy, while the jocks are working at coffee shops, bakeries and bars. He's also cool now, because being a nerd is okay when you're an adult. I love how the nerd peeks back out from behind the cool guy in his hesitation-stammer in the last panel. Jeph basically drew me into the strip (though I haven't ever played MTG).

Stephen Wells

(Watches Dan awkwardly suggest an MtG date). (Considers the two D&D campaigns I run and my wife plays in). This could actually work.


I bet Dan had a crush on Renee back then. That's why he is meeting her on short notice, during a visit to the family, even if she called him shitty Dan.


I had just starting playing magic the gathering and would like to play against dan, is he a commander sort of guy or more rush?

Stephen Wells

"You know, I had a crush on you back in the-" / "COOL LET'S BANG omg sorry" / long, awkward pause followed by detailed discussion of MtG.


All these newfangled card games. Have 'em dress up in crappy leather and furs and throw dice like a REAL old time romance! XD

David Pipes

Huh. Didn't think Regrettapalooza was coming so soon... Or is this cuffing season in the strip, too?

Yonatan Zunger

I just wish my local coffee shop had a "WTF" size. I'd be getting that all the damned time. Or maybe just an IV caffeine drip.

Julie Scott

I have 2 storage boxes of MTG cards and I have zero regrets.


Oh man I can’t stress how much I want to see an arc which is just various members of the QC cast playing D&D


Petition for Dan to get Renee, Brun, Elliot & Clinton into Dungeons and Dragons please


We need Martin, Claire, May, and Bubbles in a group. With Pintsize as DM (for, like, a session. Then Hanners takes over)


Wow. Emily is already shipping them... I mean... just look at her ;->