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Did something similar, got the job 👍

Michael Boettger

Marten might be onto something there.


I love Marten and Claire's dynamic so much. They're so perfect for each other.


Tai would interview that cover letter.


You're missing the opening quotation mark in panel three. Also, I'm suddenly more interested in library science.

John Fiala

Martin's right.


Honestly that cover letter would either go over spectacularly well, or spectatcularly poorly, no in between.


And let's be honest, Claire would enjoy working for the places it went over well, more.


Stop that sketch. It's very silly.

Michael Boettger

Speaking for myself, I'm glad to get back to these two. Been quite a while and its good to advance their arc a bit.

Buck Caldwell

Who the hell is this guy? Some new character?

Buck Caldwell

Agreed. Started off my cover letter by telling them exactly why they needed me. Still working there 21 years and 5 bosses later.


VERY GOOD faces on this one!!


If I remember correctly, he used to date Dora from the coffee shop that Bubbles goes to and Faye used to work at. I *also* think he might be Faye's roommate? He also used to (still does?) work with Tai and Emily.


The last sentence is such a power move. I want to do something like it for my next corporate job.

Mark Thomas

I LOVE the Worm meta reference! Well done that!


They need to stop being so goddamn adorable, I swear.

Sleepy John

Every bloody time I've hunted for a job, the rules for covers and resumes and references have totally changed. Go with it, the whole thing/


So now it’s goofy things with Claire and Marten week? Will Claire’s hair get extra poofy?

William Burns

As someone who has sat on employee selection committees, 90% of this works. Just omit the drugs and nakedness part and you're gold.


They’ve been sitting on this couch for DAYS!!

Am Queue

I'm sure they've taken a break from the couch, for the bed.


Worm meta reference? Explain for us uninitiated?

Yonatan Zunger

As someone else who has sat on employee selection committees, the drugs and nakedness part was one of my favorite parts, so YMMV.


What happened to Claire's septum piercing?

Anthony Gaglianese

Casual library nudity is nothing to be ashamed of, at least in typical college circles. Public libraries may have 'standards', but in the research I have done into the subject, college campus libraries tend to have the required maturity level and diminished foot traffic to make it work.


I am here for every single one of Claire's facial expressions in this sequence!

Dean Reilly

I don't know. Tai would probably prefer someone with experience doing library science drunk, high, and/or in the nude.

Mark Thomas

that aren't permanent. could have taken it out for any number of reasons. long as you don't keep it for multiple days at a row, it'll pop right back in


Yes, please!!!! Extra poofy hair is almost as awesome as sex-hair!


Squee! Marten and Claire! Christmas came early!


So, uh, where might one find books about such a contessa? Or are they restricted to mums?

Daniel S

And don't forget the rejection rejection letters: "I'm sorry, but at this time we cannot accept your rejection. See you Monday."

Thomas A. Dennis

I would hire someone who wrote that letter in a hot second, if I were a) working at a public library, b) doing the hiring, and c) they weren't kidding about the contessa book.


I'm confused. From whence did this whimsical Marten arise? What molecules are populating his neural pathways? May I have some? Puhleeeeeez?

Hugh Eckert

It is good to see Marten in full-on creative goofball mode again.


Jeph how happy are you that you don't have to write cover letters anymore?


Claire's facial expressions make this comic.

Daryl Sawyer

He pops up here and there. Another place I remember him was when he defused the akwardness during his first time drinking with Angus.

Stephen Wells

...we need to see Claire in costume as the Pegging Congress. And also Marten, same costume.

Stephen Wells

Contessa, not Congress, you evil machine.


This is it - the cutest QC strip ever. Extremely hard competition, but yet here we are. Claire's faces throughout Marten's teasings. He could just as well tickle her for the same effect.


I got an interview at place that I put something akin to 'I need money to live' in the 'why do you want to work here' text box. Unfortunately it turned out to be door-to-door sales. (Very generic and ambiguous job advert)

Yonatan Zunger

"The Pegging Congress" is either the best or the worst slashfic of the coming year.

Solomon Garland

Not saying this has given me an idea for my next writing project, but I'm also not saying it hasn't.


I've missed Marten. I love all the arcs, but that adorable idiot -chef kiss-


So many jokes in this one, sooo Many, its like its MF Cookie Time :D <3

Cole Blackblood

Ngl I would read the moms' book lol


As a library worker, I can say that this is all accurate and correct.


great strip!

Alex Mullenix

My girlfriend is an archivist who is having to apply to library jobs due to the job market. She did not like this advice.

Simon Green

I once farted really loudly in an empty aisle. Conscious of my mistake, I exclaimed "Oh dude, that stinks!" and left the aisle. As I passed the wide-eyed woman in the next aisle I told her not to go back there for a while, my mate is a filthy bastard. Pretty sure I got away with it.

Tim Keating

Upon rereading it, I feel this may be the single funniest QC strip of all time.


So I need to refresh my resume and such. A variant of that may find it's way in. The last part, I mean.