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Shitty Dan, hello




i was four billion percent a shitty dan


I hate the person I was in highschool.

A.A. aka Double

Oh god was I Shitty Dan in high school? And is that a good thing or bad thing?

Chris Heg

I can't imagine being nostalgic about high school.


I have a feeling since he's holding cards that actually says MtG, but that's just my guess... 😁

Michael Boettger

I think thats a generally true comment for most of us. I still feel embarrassment and regret for things I did over 40 years ago.


High school is terrible. College/University is very rarely any better. But eventually, you do blossom.


Same. I broke it off with a former friend from high school because she couldn't stop reminiscing fondly about the shenanigans she got up to in high school and decrying her inability to do any of that stuff any more


High school really is a miserable place. I admit I knew someone in high school whose name was "Little Dan", to differentiate him from "Big Dan", who was indeed about twice Little Dan's size. Even after Little Dan finally got his growth spurt and was merely 3/4 of Big Dan's size, and also Big Dan graduated, the nickname stuck. Somehow I think this is not quite on the same level as calling someone "Shitty Dan" though. Another fun fact about Big Dan: he was the only 16-year-old I knew who wore a full, huge, dark, Gimli-style beard. Seriously it was a sight to behold. Just matured really early, I guess.



Adam Friedlander

I don't know why, but I imagined Shitty Dan talking in one of the Four Gregs' voices even before I saw the Trogdor shirt.


He sure burninated those abs and shoulders.

Michael Boettger

Do the "Shitty dans" of high school evolve into the "Bros" of college? Or is there an evolutionary branching?


Everyone has that one dude in high school...mine was "Crazy Andy." He was 20 something and was dating high school sophomore girls. He also did his own tattoos with a paper clip and Bic pen ink. I don't think I need to tell you he was a grade "A" douche bag.

Joel Bateman

Maybe he was Shitty Dan cause he burninated all the villages.

Creepy Cat Lady

I dated a guy in high school who was super unpopular. He was low-ish average looking, nerdy, not a jock, in marching band, smart but not in the way he really stood out as exceptional (I was also all these things except I was more conventionally attractive, but still not popular at all). We broke up amicably, and drifted apart after graduation. I saw a photo of him about ten years after graduation and he had gone through pretty much the exact transformation Shitty Dan went through. He was buff, successful, had a beautiful family, and just seemed to have everything going for him. It made me SUPER happy for him and gave me a beautiful sense of revenge against all the shitty populars who were so mean to us. :)


Also, living along the beach will make you beach bum no matter how you start there.


Even though he’s hot now, I hope Dan still has that Trogdor shirt

Hugh Eckert

I definitely had the same arc as Shitty Dan. Though my intermediate form was more punk/goth than volleyball bro. And now I'm turning into a skinny old man with a potbelly. So it goes...

John Fiala

Good for you, Dan.

Summer Sudbrink

Treasurer, President, and Copy Editor of what though? Gaming club, something Enthusiasts, and...


Trogdor the burninator!


Funny thing is, the Dans I have encountered in my life are generally more often shitty than any other singular name I've come across. Like well over 50%, which is far, far above anyone else. Two of them married separate friends of ours and seemed nice but turned out to be real jerks. I can name two more that we had to cut from our lives and another was a real drama queen that we ghosted.


Shitty Dan couldn't have been too shitty if he bought Homestar Runner merch.


Cool Dan’s last name is Peakedinhighschool.

Brooks Moses

Huh, wow. I have a couple of middle-managers named Dan, and they've both been among the better managers I've had. Maybe Dan-ness and middle-manager-ness cancel out and produce greatness?


I would have been friends with shitty Dan. I would have bought him some damned card sleeves for one thing.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

High School is an inherently shitty goddamn place. I spent years wishing mine would burn down with everybody trapped inside, Carrie-style.


Cheers to Shitty Dan!


It was probably due to a bowel disorder. He'd be called Sharty Dan today.


As a nerdy Dan, that's sadly not the default evolution.


I am thoroughly enjoying Brun And Renee Being Goofs Week.


The big problem with the story of the Ugly Duckling is that most of us grow up to be, not swans, but ugly ducks.

Jessi Lloyd

Might just be me, but when I saw the censored “S!#$$y”, my brain immediately read that as “Sissy”, which may be something you wanna avoid?


I read it the same way. No judgement on the sissies of the world intended.


Google for SD’s shirt yielded this: Trogdor! Trogdor! Trogdor was a man I mean, he was a dragon man Or maybe he was just a dragon But he was still Trogdor! Trogdor! Burninating the countryside Burninating the peasants Burninating all the peoples And their thatched-roof cottages! Thatched-roof cottages!


He's hot now, but he also totally back the Trodgor board game


Can we have a bonus comic with Yelling Bird and Trogdor this month?


Seeing people discovering Trogdor for the first time makes me feel both old and uncool. 😂


(And you nailed the laser background for the school portrait! 😂)




Thanks for the Homestar Runner memories that just came flooding back!


She remembers shitty Dan from highschool


That wouldn't have been enough for my high school class. With a graduating class size of... 36? (I forget the exact count), we had *five* Dans. We also had at least four Mikes. We only had two Johns, both of which could probably have been called "cool John", but only one who was an asshole. 🤔 At least *actively* an asshole.




Kudos on the Trogdor shirt! TROGDOR THE BURNINATOR!!!


ah, the hot magic nerd

Ardent Slacker

My high school didn't do much nicknaming. But one workplace did have a "Young Bob" because we were absolutely not naming the other one Gay Bob. Young Bob got fired for eating someone else's lunch, IIRC. Or I'm confusing him with another equally young idiot at another equally shit job. And an RPG group had Medium Dave, because he was a size smaller than the other Dave. We had an intervention with Medium Dave about some of the white supremacy red flags he was embracing. He took a bit of time to soul search and determined that he did want to join team Nazi, and if that cost him... we don't know what because we already booted him. Might be a group of white guys meeting in a basement, but dammit, we have diverse family... and souls. Apparently, if you're the only person in a group with a nickname, you might be the asshole. A prior former group of friends sorta called me "Dammit Danny" but it was more of a response to my puns...