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well bye



Nicholas Lopez


Kriss Pang

Oh I pity Clinton


This is what I need in my life right now. Thank u Jeph

Michael Boettger

We ALL knew this would be Claire's reaction!


Claire's advice: DO IT!!!!

Michael Boettger

But its good to know he has such a supportive big sister.


aww honey


I am both people this week

Mike de Jong

I love Claire being all ✨_✨


Claire, you have to actually convince him to help your ship set sail

Douglas E. Smith

Let it run its course, Claire! Remember what happened with the other set-up you set up...


Claireface is now Clintonface

Grace Kieser

"Fuckin' go for it, buddy" -Marten Reed, 2018

Chuck Dee

Claire has no chill :( He came to talk to her about his feelings and...


So, what's the ship name for Elliott + Clinton + Brun + Millefeuille as a polycule?


Claire really should be better help than this, she obviously had to deal with some of these same thoughts about herself. which is the exact reason Clinton came to her.

Anthony Gaglianese

I mean.....did anyone not see this coming? Show of hands? Thought so. Continue.🍿


I both had no idea it was the moment she'd always dreamed of, & yet was certain that would be her reaction, stars-in-eyes & all. ^_^

Solomon Garland

I don't think she's going to be unhelpful this time tbh, she just needs a moment to get over her own big sis/shipper feels

Brooks Moses

I'm sure she will be, now that she's cleverly gotten all of that out of her system quickly. And she even made sure he was well inside before unleashing it, so that he won't get out the door before she can say "no, wait, I'm listening!"

Joseph Bonnar

The only way this could be cuter would be if Clinton were discussing this with Emily.

Joseph Bonnar

And wait a minute... We still don't know... Did the burritos wind up UNEATEN?

Jackie Horn


Am Queue

he might get a more useful experience with Emily. :/ (not amused by claire feeling all about herself)


The time to help him sort out HIS feelings rather then YOURS, right, Claire?


He’s got enough of his wits about him to know this is when he gets out of there.


He got approximately 1 nanosecond of usefulness there


Put down the petard, Claire!


JEPH PLS don't play with my heart, i want this ship to sail so bad

Rodrigo Ourcilleon

I must be the only person in the world who is not excited nor particularly interested in this ship. I rather had him with Roko haha.


You're not. I was looking forward to Clinton getting to admire her butt-logo.



Bonnie Fiddis

Awwww I love Claire’s big sister energy. I wonder if Clinton has thought about his sexuality before as he seems more concerned about if he wants to date Elliott or not than if he likes guys or not.

Mattezhion Zane Corgan Campbell

I don't see the romance between Clinton and Elliot happening, but I do see them both learning from this and being totally cool with it. Clinton will learn a bit more about himself, and Elliot will learn how not to freak out. And both of them will heavily geek out over the Shattered Disk universe (which Jeph is now going to wirte because I want to read that!)


Fujoshi detected


*Scattered* disc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scattered_disc


I mean... it *would* be nice to have a regular guy couple on the show that's not Martin's (I think?) dad and his dad's partner. Or... someone's dad? My memory is a sieve today. So yeah. Firmly aboard the Good Ship Ellinton (is that what we're using? idfk).


I was surprised that no-one had snarkily corrected that to *brother. And then I remembered this wasn't reddit or youtube.


Lol, know that feeling so well. “Hey, older sibling, can I ask you something?” “My chance to be the elder sibling has come! I shall not fail you, little one! Whatever can I assist you with in your time of dire need!” “Nevermind, I’m good.” “Wait no my chance!”


I really like that Clinton's going through this long "wait what?" moment and not just diving right in.


Oh LOL, poor Clinton, thinkin' "My big sister used to be a dude, surely she'll be able to help me sort out these confused thoughts I'm having about possibly hitting for the other team!" And here she is, all too eager. I'm sure she'll realize eventually that us men are sensitive about these things and that a more nuanced approach is called for. Perhaps after talking to Marten for the perspective of someone who was meant to be a dude as opposed to ending up one by accident.


hi Clinton. bye Clinton.


seem to recall he made a comment about ""if it's the right guy, why not". seems like he cares more about his feelings about an individual rather than guy or girl.

Wond'ring Lisa

Oooof, I love Claire but sometimes she needs to take a step back.


Depends on how Claire the character is written to feel about it, but FYI most trans people do not consider them to have "used to be a dude" :)

Haldon Lindstrom

Tacos: no longer appearing in this strip


No, I get it, don't worry, I understand that their mental sex is fairly constant and most never felt themselves to rightly be their birth sex, it's just a convenient enough way to talk about it offhandedly. We talk to the brain, the consciousness, not the cock or cunt :-) So yeah. I'm very laid back about the whole thing, only time I care what's between someone's legs is if I want to go to bed with them, otherwise I follow "if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck" i.e. you present female I'll call you miss (or luv or hon if you're being sweet :-3 ). I don't subscribe to the politicized bullshit surrounding the condition.