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the expanse (of butts)






Do they have to go to the wall to defend against the Oort Federation?


Are these actual books, or only in the QCverse?

Samantha Yeaman

I absolutely love seeing Elliot's geek side showing, it's utterly adorable and I ship these two so hard.

Douglas E. Smith

When my friends and I share RPG stories.


these two are freaking adorable and omgosh your art is so good Jeph!!


Oh my God Clinton is so cute. Please let this story stay cute and happy.


I could go for some COLD DRINKS right now


Just realized. I hope Elliot’s video game budget will be fine when Crusaders King 3 releases in September.

Sean Kinlin

Just to mention - there's a typo in the last panel - the word "against" has letters transposed.


What supporter level do I need to be to get access to these books, @Jeph?

Lyman Green

Aaginst sb against. Don’t know if you can fix that before posting or not, jeph.

Adam Daw

Anyone else google to see if those books were a thing?

Dean Reilly

Now I want to play a strategy game featuring dynastic politics, dammit.


Oh God he plays CK2 I love him so mutch more!


Is it EU4 or CK2? either way, love it!


Crusader kings 2 or if you can wait a month Crusader kings 3 from paradox is literally that exact game


I see that Alice Grove reference...


I noticed that too. I was actually wondering if it was supposed to be an accent; "aag-inst" sounds a bit ol timey western to me.

Matthew Van Gangelen

Has it been mentioned in story that Clinton knows he’s bi?

Just some Fish

Woo, we Crusader Kings now :D


Came for the butts, stayed for the CK2 Let's Play


welp, they're perfect for each other.

Matthew Van Gangelen

Also this marks the 6th comic since we saw May. Time goes so slow in the QCverse.


I think Clinton's hand in panel 2 is supposed to be his prosthetic hand no?


Love the CKII reference but is this a real series of books? If so awesome.


Yeah, it's his right hand, and that was prosthetic in the previous comic.


I’m more a Hearts of Iron 4 fan than a Crusader Kings 2 fan ... but, as far as nerd cred goes, it checks out. CK2 has a great Asoiaf mod too, it’s amazing.


she's rich, she's beautiful, she's got huge...planets.


Final panel, Clinton has two "a"s in a row in against, but otherwise this is something I have been waiting almost 1k strips for? So hype.


Ok, did anyone else google if that was a real book series? Just me?

Michael Boettger

Sadly no. But I'd point out there is a fanfic thread towards the top of the panel. So if someone would like to take a shot, and if Jeph has no objections.....

Daryl Sawyer

Yes. At the bar they were talking about their mutual affection for Brun, and Elliot brought up that there's also a guy he's interested in.

Daryl Sawyer

lol, Elliot appears to be playing a fictional game that combines elements of CK2 (marriage NAPs) with EU4 (Prussia).


Sounds more like CK, The “marry for alliance’ is more explicite there, but Jeph may have a bit of artistic license (or Elliot may RP a bit).


Twiddled the "a" and the "g" (looks like he went to the same typing school I went to).


Prussia is formable in CK so it may show up from time to time...


I'll be so happy if this works out!


Fair concern


I'm impressed that Clinton is willing to wear such a low cut shirt. That's got a plunging neckline like a skydiver.


I was reading this and just going "f**k, Clinton is hella cute here" 😍


SEDNA! Alice Grove character cited in QC!!!!!!


I love the CK2 reference from Elliot


Jeph, I desperately want to give you money to read your space opera lesbian romance.


I read "shipbuilding tech", and I thought : "Ha, more like 'ship building tech, amirite?" :D

Thomas Halpin

I love listening to friends nerd out about stuff they're really into, and this is so cute.

Evgeniy Semyonov

The expanse (of butts) is good, but God-Emperor of Butts is still unrivaled.


Well, if Eliot talks about a Stellaris-analogue or a magic-analogue the journey into him being my spirit animal will be truly complete


I can’t help but notice the pick up sign... are they both in the pickup line😜


What did you think of Children of Butts? It was better than Butt Messiah, anyway.


Prussia made me think it was more of a EUIV ref, maybe there's some weird "Europa Kings" series that's a mashup in the QC-niverse.


Oh my god, Clinton's hair is so cute


Now the Clinton Cuteness Factor is at like, 13. We're reaching levels previously unknown to science.


I need this ship to sail more than any other ship I have shipped in my life. XD


This is a pretty standard geek/nerd date if it helps. Infodumping as vulnerability.

Bruce Steinberg

This is *serious* nerd flirting. Getting really excited about your date’s specific nerdery and finding parallels is totally expressing interest in spending a lot of “quality” time together.

Kurt Larson

Am I even in the first fifty people to point out the typo in the last panel? :D


Jeph has given Clinton the cute front-teeth, just like he did when he was warming up Marigold and Claire for relationships. Call me crazy but it's a trend I keep seeing. :3

Giselle Gauthier

If Jeph's reading, little typo in the last panel, should be "against". ;)

Michael Boettger

Is it my imagination, or is Clinton looking more and more like Claire? Reyn mentioned the teeth, and we've seen the teeth on her, especially when she's talking with Marten.

Fabio Neves

I'm not ashamed to admit I have a crush on Clinton


This is pretty much exactly how the first conversation that my husband and I had when we weren't around other friends went. Coming up on 20 years.